Golden Retrievers & Christmas Lights

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"Lilly why do I have to do it?" You ask pout on your face as you slip on your boots.

"Because you're the best at it! I just don't have the vision for the lights like you do. Plus Renee and I have the task of putting up the tree" Lilly tells you as she stands by the door mug of hot chocolate in hand. You've been tasked with putting up your new snowflake lights on the hedges in front of your house. It's your first holiday season in the new place with your roommates so you three wanted to go all out with decorations. You did say you'd do it a month ago but now it's snowing...and really cold.

"Okay fine ," you tell your roommate, "but I better have hot cocoa waiting for me when I get back in."

"Of course!" Lilly says "I'll check on you in a bit!"

You send her one last smile before grabbing the box of lights and the step stool before heading outside. The walk to the front driveway is slow and steady with ice covering the edges of the pathway. Setting down the box you set up the step stool in front of the first hedge. They're just tall enough for you to need the rickety stool. You and your roommates really need to get a new one but it hasn't been on the top of the list in terms of budget.

You grab the first string of lights and climb up the steps. You quickly realize after one attempt of throwing the lights over the top that you are not tall enough for this and neither is the stool. You think that maybe just maybe if you lean up on your tippy toes you'll be able to string them over the top.

Nope. Bad idea. You can feel yourself begin to fall back as the stool loses footing on the snowy ground. You brace yourself for impact on the hard ground.

It never comes. Instead you feel a pair of large strong hands grip your waist from behind you. You let out a surprised yelp not expecting to be lifted safely back onto the ground by a mysterious stranger. You turn around to be met by the warm eyes of a tall stranger. And oh he's very handsome. His arms are hovering close to you making sure you're steady on the ground.

"A-are you okay?" He asks his breath fogging up through the cold air. His eyes scan over you looking for any sort of injury.

"Y-eah! Yes! Oh my god, thank you," You rush to tell him. "I thought I was going to die for a minute there!" You joke smoothing your hands over your jacket. The first thing you notice about your savior he's really handsome. His brown Hair  is hidden under a beanie with a matching scarf around his neck and a long jacket. The apples of his cheeks are red with cold as he smiles at you. And, oh, his smile.

"No worries!" his voice breaks you out of your thoughts. You find yourself flustered. You just fell off your stupid rickety step stool in front of one of the most handsome men you've ever seen. "It's better that no one spends the holiday season in the ER" he jokes.

"Y-yeah, you're right," You giggle. He smiles wider.

"I'm Henry by the way" He Says outstretching his gloved hand. You place your hand in his shaking it gently.

"Thank you Henry" you smile letting his hand go. "Me and my roommates are new to the neighborhood."

"Oh well it's very nice to meet you. Welcome to the best street in the neighborhood!" Henry smiles. You wonder why you haven't run into him before in the small street you live on. "Oh! And this..." Henry says. He pauses for a moment turning around to whistle. You soon hear the telltale pitter patter of a dog turning the corner. Henry wasn't at all worried one bit about his dog the sweet boy always comes when called if he wanders away for a moment. "This is mars!"

A sweet golden retriever prances right up to Henry's legs. He's got a little red sweater for extra protection from the cold. He's panting tail wagging happily as Henry  grabs a hold of his leash.

"Oh hello Mars!" You say. You can't help but lean down extending a hand to pat Mars on the head giving him some extra pets for good measure. A handsome neighbor and an adorable dog? You're starting to think that putting up the lights wasn't such a bad task. "He's so cute!" You tell Henry as you stand right back up again.

Henry admires the pretty blush on your cheeks the way you gently pet his dog he can't believe he hasn't introduced himself before. You're really pretty he thinks.

"T-Thank you! Yeah he's a sweetie," Henry chuckles. "Funny thing his name was going to be lightbulb but me and my roommate decided on something...more normal. So now lightbulb is his middle name." You can't contain the laugh that escapes you. Henry joins in again.

"Mars lightbulb" You repeat, still giggling. "It has a nice ring to it."

"It does," Henry says. A silence falls over the two of you. Henry was formulating something in his head. He wants to be bold he doesn't quite know why. All he does know is he wants to see you again. Something tells him you're really sweet. "Hey, would you want to-"

a voice calls from the front door. You whip around.

"Lilly! Hi!" You say.

"I was just coming to-" she pauses when she spots the tall man in front of you "-check on you. Hello!"

"Lilly This is Henry. He lives down the street! He uh...saw me struggling with the lights and offered to help," you say voice trailing off at the end as to avoid exposing your mishap. You turn to Henry. "Henry  this is Lilly one of my roommates."

"Nice to meet you Lilly " Henry smiles sending a little wave. You see Lilly look from Henry to you then back to Henry You can see the lightbulb go off in her eyes. Oh no . Lilly  has been trying to remedy your chronic singleness for a while now. You've begged her not to meddle too much, but this? You've just handed her an opportunity on a silver platter. The smile on Lilly face grows wider.

"Well aren't you going to invite our guest inside? You know after he saved your life and all," She says. You want to roll your eyes. Lilly always loves a little flair for the dramatic every once in a while.

"I-," you turn to Henry. And The Butterflies settle in your gut as you look at him. "Well we do have hot cocoa, if...if you'd want to come inside and warm up for a bit?" You offer.

"I mean...I wouldn't want to intrude!" Henry rushes. He wants to make sure you're inviting him in not just your roommate.

"Oh no! You could never" you send  Henry a smile. Henry feels his insides melt so much so that he doesn't even think he'll need hot cocoa.

"Well in that case," Henry smiles " I'd love to."

You motion towards the door. As you and Henry walk through the door Mars follows close behind. You both slip your snow covered boots off. As you walk into the kitchen moments before Henry you catch Lilly sending you an encouraging thumbs up and a toothy grin. You send her a shy smile. You'll definitely really have to thank her later. Maybe you'll get closer to Henry your neighbor with the handsome smile and lovely dog who now pats around your living room. And just maybe Lilly will be successful in setting you up.

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