Come Sit

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You yawn shaking your head trying to keep yourself awake blinking away your eyes were watery and tired. Henry  had texted you to meet him at his office so the two of you could walk home together after he was done with his last meeting of the day. You had agreed and showed up but the second you had walked inside his office seeing him furiously type away on his computer. You knew going home early was going to be far from possible. Henry had given you an apologetic look told you to go home before the sun went down. But you had brushed him off opting to sit on the floor in front of his coffee table and taking out your laptop. You had work to finish anyway and you might as well finish it while you waited for your husband to get off work.

"You tired,"Henry whispered a smirk evident in his tone of voice as he turned to face you. Henry took off his glasses resting his elbows on his wooden desk his hand holding his chin.

"Nope," You shook your head blinking rapidly as you started typing away on your laptop. You had two news stories to finish and you were halfway done with the second one. So you were determined to get them done so you'd have the rest of the week partially free I finish them.

"Yes you are you should've gone home when I told you too." Henry sighed pushing his desk chair away from his desk. Henry unbuttoned the first two buttons from his dress shirt. Henry had removed his tie three hours ago And now he was trying everything to hold himself back from not just taking off his clothes that had started to annoy him.

"I'll be fine." You yawned your fingers resting on top of the keyboard as your eyes felt heavier than before.

"Sure." Henry softly laughed tapping his fingers against his thighs. "Come sit on my lap while I work...I'm almost done anyway." Henry tilted his head looking at you admiring how quickly your fingers worked against your keyboard. You raised your head to look at him your eyes meeting his deep Blue eyes and finally you felt how truly tired you were. You sighed looking back at your computer screen biting down hard  your lip. The end of it was so close and also at least getting one day off was tempting but your eyes had started to feel heavy and you had started to write incoherently and getting tired by the minute.

"Fine Henry." You said saving your work before slamming your laptop shut you. You stood up straightening the long flowy skirt you had worn to work today. Henry laughed  extending his arms at you making grabby hands like a toddler. You giggled making your way to him your body feeling heavy with the need to sleep the closer you got to him. Henry pulled you towards him once you were standing in front of him. Henry placed a soft kiss against your stomach before pulling you down onto his lap. A content sigh leaving his mouth.

"I'm not heavy aren't I I actually gained a few pounds." You whispered playing with his brown locks pushing them away from his forehead. You leaned over placing a soft kiss against his forehead and then his nose as he let out a scoff regarding your comment.

"Nonsense you are and always will be perfect no matter what." Henry mumbled tightening his hold around your waist bringing your legs up to rest on his thigh trying his best to cradle you.

You giggled shaking your head playing with the buttons of his dress shirt. "I won't even try to argue with you cause we'll be at it forever and I really want to go home." You smiled kissing his chin softly.

"That's 'cause I'm always right but you never want to admit it." Henry smiled placing a soft kiss on his forehead scooting his rolling chair closer to his desk.

"What every helps you sleep at night." You shrugged poking his cheek a soft chuckle falling out of his throat.

"You help me sleep at night." Henry rested his hands on top of his keyboard before looking down at you. Henry leaned down giving your lips a small peck and repeated the process multiple times making you laugh a lot.

"Henry finish working I want to go home." You whined pushing his face away from you. Henry sighed  before turning his attention back to his computer screen.

You grinned burying your face into his chest your fingers playing with the wrinkles in his shirt. Henry smiled widely typing furiously on his keyboard wishing words came as easy as they did to you but listening to your hums and feeling you against him relaxed him giving him the motivation to finally finish his proposal.

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