Mile High In The Sky

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Your flight was bumped numerous times until you ended on a red eye across the Atlantic. It would have been more infuriating except they moved you up to first class to compensate for the inconvenience. It was still a pain in the ass but you found that you could not complain more because the accommodations are so fucking nice. Not to mention that it is a nearly empty flight so you are sure you will get a lot of sleep. Something you will need to make up for the long wait and headaches at the airport.

After stowing your one bag in the overhead compartment you get into your seat and check your phone. You text your mom that you are coming in late but you are coming in so she should not worry about you. You will just get an Uber or something from the airport once you arrive. You yawn and pop your AirPods in and turn on your travel playlist. You think that it will be a long flight but that thought is gone quickly as you doze off to your favorite music.

The next time you wake it is because someone elbowed you in the side and it was very Hard. You gasp and bolt up and ready to yell at whoever did that to you. Turning you see the man who is in the seat next to you. There should have been more than enough space and there probably would have been more than enough had this man not been so tall and lanky. Even so you find again that you cannot be mad at him because you know who he is. Your jaw drops and your breath catches in your chest.

"Sorry, sorry...that won't happen again I promise." He says You almost tell him he can do it as much as he likes he can break your ribs if he wants. Whatever makes him happy. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine" You say unsure if you should draw attention to who he is or not "I'm sure I will fall right back asleep." You know that is a lie but you don't want to put him out by telling him how much your side actually hurts.

"Lucky you I never find it easy to sleep on planes." Henry says Briefly your memory pulls up some pictures of him you once saw at an airport looking like he was sleepwalking so you figure that must be true or definitely an understatement. You clear your throat.

"I usually don't sleep well on them either but it was a long day." You say surprised you even fell asleep in the first place. "You're Henry Cavill aren't you?"

"Yes," He smirks, "And you are?"

"Lucky." You mutter then you see his face and scramble to add something to that "Lucky to be seated next to you that is." Henry laughs and tries to pull the complimentary airplane blanket over him but it's not working out too well. It mostly just covers his lap and part of his legs.

"Maybe I'm lucky to meet you as well." He says.

"Why would you say that?" You reply.

"Well, I know a thing or two about travel and relaxing and I guess I was wondering if a cute girl like you wouldn't mind giving me a helping hand." Henry says with a wiggle of his eyebrows. At first you are very confused but then put two and two together and the way he said the word hand made it pretty obvious what he had wanted. You feel your face start to burn with arousal. He really got straight to the point didn't he?

"Right here?" You ask.

"No one is going to notice." Henry said "I'll owe you one if you help out I could really use the rest." You are tempted to ask what he thinks he'll owe you if you help but you also don't want him to suddenly change his mind. Henry is right about no one noticing you are the only two there in the back row and there is almost no one in first-class otherwise. You adjust your blanket casually to overlap the arm of the seat between you and slip your hand under your blanket and then under his.

"Are You serious?"

"Yes" Henry whispers leaning in closer to you his voice rough "More serious than you know. Don't get to do much like this while I'm working." You nod and glance around before moving your hand to the zipper of his slacks and reaching it in to get to his cock. It's big and already hard you can feel that as your hand wraps around it to bring it out under the blanket. You look around again the lighting in the cabin is very dim and there is no flight attendant in sight. You start to stroke him slowly your movements speeding up as his skin become slickened with the copious amounts of precum he had coming out. Henry stifles a moan and bites his thick luscious lower lip his eyes shifting to yours glazed over in lust. They are a stunning glowing blue.

"Like this?" You whisper.

"Harder...faster..." Henry urges only focusing on you. If someone was to walk by at that moment you are pretty sure that he would never notice because of how he is taking in your face your eyes mouth and lips and rest if your body. Henry's tongue darts out slowly to wet his own or to tease you it's hard to tell. You tighten your grip on his wet cock just a bit and speed up. Henry moans again soft and breathy as you work your hand up and down his throbbing cock losing yourself in his eyes. Before you know it he grunts and jerks you feel the rush of his cum all over your hand and you try to get as much as possible not wanting to ruin his clothes or the blanket it is a long flight after all. "Fuck...I really needed that."

"I bet you did." You whisper slowly moving your hand back to your own blanket tempted to taste him but knowing you probably shouldn't. There still isn't anyone around so you grab the complimentary pack of tissues they gave out and start to wipe your hand off. "Are you sure that will do it?"

"Mmmhmmm..." Henry mutters already reclining back in his chair his eyes closing. You chuckle to yourself. Once you see that he's asleep you carefully get up to walk out of there and go wash your hands off in the bathroom. Just as you are stepping into the aisle he grabs your sleeve and gives it a gentle tug. You turn to look at him. "Remember, I owe you one." He winked at you.

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