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Oh, he loved Bring Me The Dreamers, the best band out there, at least in his opinion. His friend, Nick, loved the band too, but not as much as he did, obviously.

"Nick," He groaned and dragged the 'i' as he walked into the living room of their shared apartment room and he flopped down next to the other. "What is it, Georgie?" George rolled his eyes at the name.

"Bring Me The Dreamers is coming to London, this might be our only chance to see them live and up close!" He exclaimed and Nick dropped his phone, and stopped whatever he was doing on it. "George, you know the tickets are expensive."


"I know, I'd love to go too, but you know we have to pay for all our apartment sutff and for everything else." Nick explained and George sighed, knowing he was right.

Touring in London this weekend! Check us out! Also, after the show we'll be staying around for a 'meet and greet', a great chance to meet us!
I'm going, def. I bought tickets, why they expensive as hell tho? 0.o
  Dunno, our manager said to make it more expensive this time, ask him.
  Woah there buddy, someone's excited. ;)

George sighed again, dropping his phone into his lap, "They're even staying after the show, for a meet and greet, all I need is at least a ticket."

Nick only hummed.


Dream chuckled, watching his phone blow up as soon as he tweeted on their band account. "Wilbur, you're gonna give that kid a heart attack." And said Wilbur appeared next to him and leaned against the wall. "They're excited."

"I'm sure they all are." Ranboo mumbled from the couch, "And I'm tired, I'm going to sleep. Don't be loud."

Dream rolled his eyes playfully and instead said, "Where's Karl?"

"Going out for lunch," Explained Wilbur. "But I'm sure he's going to have a hard time hiding his face."

Bring Me The Dreamers was one of those bands that didn't like to attract so many fans. Don't take it the wrong way, they loved all their supporters, but it was overwhleming seeing eveyone swarm around them. If only a few people came up to them, then it was okay.

“Are you guys excited?” Dream questioned after sudden silence and only got a response out of Wilbur. . .because Ranboo has fallen asleep.

“Super. I used to live in the UK until I joined the band and we live here in Florida. I can’t wait to see it again.” He said as he opened the fridge, looking for something to eat.

Dream nodded. Wilbur was the only band member who used to live in the UK, while the rest lived in the US, and now they all lived together in a quite large house in Florida.

And the studio.

He couldn’t forget the studio.

BMTD had a studio dedicated to their band, everything was theirs. They worked with their two managers, producers, people helped them write the lyrics, get the right music, designers for their clothes. Everything.

Music had helped him.

Growing up was terrible, he wasn’t going to say anything else, but it was a nightmare. As soon as he could move out, he did. Finding a way to pursue his dream to become a singer, and here he was, the lead singer of practically the most famous band out there, and of course with his band members—his friends—by his side, he couldn’t have done it without them.

“Dream?” Wilbur said gently and he snapped back into reality, blinking rapidly as he focused on Wilbur. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, you just zoned out.” The other said.


That’s when Karl darted into the house, slamming the door behind him. . .waking up Ranboo, who sat up on the couch with an angry look.

Dream raised an eyebrow, “You good?”

Karl’s eyes were widened as he spoke, “A girl decided to scream my name, which earned the entire cafe to start swarming me.”

Wilbur snorted but he covered it with a laugh. “So you ran?”

“I mean yeah, I did some autographs before sprintin’ outa there.”

Dream yawned. “I’m gonna hit the bed, tomorrow we’re leaving at six am to get to the airport and on the plane on time and the managers said there’s a studio willing to keep us for a while-.”

“Most likely for the money.” Ranboo mumbled.

“-with nice rooms and equipment. So I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” Dream finished and turned to walk upstairs to his room to get ready to sleep and he almost fell into the abyss immediately after he hit the bed.


"Are you going to buy any tickets?" He asked his friend, Darryl, who he was on call with and Darryl's boyfriend, Zak.

"I don't know. . ." Darryl said uncertainly with a look at Zak, "They're expensive this time."

George groaned, "I really want to go."

"We know, you baby. You don't got to say it twice." Zak grumbled playing and that earned him a smack from Darryl. "Oo! George! I got a question for you."

George tilted his head, "What?"

"Who's your favorite BMTD member?" Darryl asked.

George shrugged, "I don't know, maybe Dream? I like Karl too, but Dream's my favorite."

He watched Zak smirk on the other side of the call, "Do I hear a crush?"

George's eyes widened, "Since when did I say crush? I only said he's my favorite!"

The only answer was a hum.

They chatted for a few more hours before George had to go so he could sleep. He was tired.

And he wished he could see the concert.
Word Count: 967

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