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His band members all jumped in for a hug as he entered backstage, staggering backwards at their weight.

"Dream! That was awesome!" Ranboo exclaimed and Karl nodded along, Wil smiling widely as he backed up, "Seriously! Absolute fucking fire!"

Don't you fucking dare get emotional.

Karl clung onto him the longest before pulling away, "Want to get dinner to celebrate?"

They all nodded and Dream blinked back his tears of happiness, he just couldn't believe the support he was getting. "Where do you guys want to go?"

"It's got to be fancy!" Wilbur said.

"Oo! I have a good one in mind!" Karl exclaimed, jumping up and down and told them the name, the others agreeing in an instant.

"Why don't we invite George and Nick?" Wilbur suggested, giving Dream a look but he nodded, "Sure, let me text him."

He pulled out his phone, clicking on Messages and then George's contact.

Geoooorrgggee want to go out to dinner with the band? Nick can come too

The typing bubble appeared and disappeared and reappeared a few times before he got a final answer.

Pretty Boy:
Sure! We'll come! Where are you guys?

tell the security guards we allowed you two backstage
and give them this number, it's my security number incase anything bad happens :) *******

Pretty Boy:

He gave his friends a nod, "They'll come in a second, wait-where's Ranboo?" Dream's eyes scanned the room, finally realising this the drummer had disappeared.

Karl gave him a smirk, "He's going to ask Alexa for her car."

Dream's eyes widened, "There's no way he'll convince her, he'll have to beg."

Wil scoffed, "Well, you know Ranboo, he'll want what he wants."

Dream's answer was interupted by the rapid pounding of footsteps coming from the hallway behind him, he spun on his heels, finding George and Nick running towards him--George still wearing his hoodie.

Seconds later he was engulfed by a tight hug from George as the brunette hugged him tightly, burying his face into Dream's chest.

Surprised, Dream hesitated to hug him back before giving in, hugging the other tightly and feeling his eyes warm with tears.

"That was amazing!" George mumbled against Dream's sweater and he smiled, "Thanks."

A forced cough sounded from beside them, so Dream raised his head, finding Wilbur staring at them with a fake-hurt expression, though the amusement showed in his eyes. "Now, if you two could stop simping for each other. . ."

George pushed away immideately, causing the entire room the erupt with laugher.

Ranboo appeared through a door, panting but with a huge grin plastered onto his face, "She said yes!"

"Yes for what?" Nick asked.

Ranboo smirked as he pulled out car keys from behind is back, jingling them, "Her car."


The car ride to dinner included screaming, singing, arguing, almost a speed ticket, and almost crashing the car.

Now they stood waiting at the entrance of the restuarant, everyone laughing and talking.

"I swear, I fill fucking kill you if you don't shut up!" Dream groaned, shoving Ranboo's shoulder, causing the drummer and crash into the wall.

"Wh-hey! Dream!" He shoved Dream back and the blonde stumbled backwards, crashing into George who yelped in surprise, catching him.

Dream's cheeks turned red and Wilbur stiffled a laugh, turning away and covering his mouth.

He awkwardly pushed himself away from George, "Sorry."

"It's fine," George smiled.

"Party of six? Under the name 'Wilbur'?" A young woman appeared before them, smiling widely.

Wil nodded, "That's us!"

"Come with me then, gentlemen," She turned around, gaze slightly lingering on Dream before she walked between the tables and stopped in front of large booth, where Wilbur, Karl, and Nick and George, Dream, and Ranboo across from them.

"I'll be back in a bit," The waitress said before turning around and disappearing.


George took his time and glanced around the restuarant, they were sitting next to a window that gave them a wide view of the outside, "Why so fancy?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Why not? Celebrating Dream's first solo!" Wilbur said, grinning.

Their conversation was interupted by the waitress coming back, "Hello everyone! My name's Jessica and I'll be serving you tonight! What can I get for you guys for drink?"

One by one, everyone stated their drink and when Jessica got to Dream, she didn't move her gaze and instead just stared.

George frowned, "Hello! We're here too! I'd like a sprite please!" He glanced at Ranboo and the other mouhed 'water', "And he'd like water!"

Jessica snapped her gaze back and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I'll go get them for you."

George watched as she walked away and when he looked back at his friends, they all looked like they were holding back laughter. "What?" George snapped.

"Someone's jealouusssss," Dream teased, leaning back in his seat and George looked away to hide his blush, "Shut up!"

They continued to chat until Jessica came back, "Here are your drinks, gentlemen! Are you guys ready to take your orders?"

They all nodded and gave her their orders and she disappeared with one last look at Dream, earning another frown from George.

"I hate her," George grumbled and Nick grinned from across the table, "Aweeeee, is she stealing your man?"

"Shut up!" George whined, burying his face in his arms.

Nick spoke up again, “You guys want to come to our flat afterwards? We can have a movie night and a small party?”

The band all looked at each other with thoughtful expressions until Dream finally spoke up, “Sure! Why not?”

Excited, the group talked about it all until Jessica came back with their food, quickly placing it down and this time not looking at Dream.

George dug into his food and talked and talked with his friends until they had all finished and they stood up.

“You guys ready?” Wilbur asked.

They nodded and strided out of the restaurant, everyone laughing and joking around as they hopped into the car and drove off to George’s and Nick’s flat.
Word Count: 1010

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