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His alarm went off way too loudly.

He groaned as he reached to turn it off, getting out of bed in the process. Heading to his bathroom, he brushed his teeth and undressed. Jumping in the shower minutes later.

Once he was ready, Dream made it down the stairs, finding Wilbur making some quick breakfast for the band. "Your alarm woke up the entire house." He huffed and Dream rolled his eyes, "That's kind of the point. None of you guys ever wake up on time."

It was Wilbur's turn to roll his eyes.

"So," Dream began, changing the subject, "You've figured out what song you want to do for your solo?"

The other nodded and Dream's interest sparked, "What is it called?"

"He isn't going to tell you, ya know." Ranboo's voice sounded from the kitchen entrance as he entered groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with Karl just behind him.

Dream threw his hands up in the air in defeat, "All right, all right. I'll just have to wait."

After quickly eating their breakfasts, they waited outside their house for their limo.

"I don't get why we need a limo to bring us to the airport. We have our own cars, we can drive." Dream grumbled and Wilbur sighed, "I guess it's because we're 'famous'."

"But it's gonna bring attention to us!" Karl whined.

"And our managers know we don't like so much attention, so I don't get why. . ." Ranboo trailed off as their limo appeared before them and the four members got into the comfortable seats with their suitcases.

Their managers, Alexa Smith and Jax Johnson sat in the booth in front of them. "Are you four prepared?" Alexa asked them.

They nodded.

"Why a limo? Why can't we just drive a normal car?" Karl asked.

"You guys don't even have normal cars, you have some that are quite expensive." Jax reminded them.

"It's better than a limo!" Dream said, raising his voice ever so slightly.

"Enough all of you, please. I want you guys to get settled in once we get there." Alexa said firmly and they fell into silence.

Heading to the airport, maybe you could find us? ;)
  Can't tell you, you can just wait and see
  What if I tell them? 0.0
  Dont you dare
  But why not

Dream laughed under his breath, "Why what Wilbur?" He asked and looked at the other.

"Because why not." Was his only reply before they hopped out of the limo and followed Jax and Alexa through the airport.

Going through security was so boring and so far, no one had recognized them, so far.

That was until-

"Oh my God! It's Bring Me The Dreamers!" A girl squealed and ran up to them with her friend.

Karl visibly flinched. "Please tell me that wasn't heard around the airport."

They wished.

Many people had begun to swarm and push past each other to get an autograph. "There goes our success to getting into the plane without getting so much attention."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Jax said loudly, "One at a time! Get in line in front whoever you want an autograph from!"

The girls obviously went first because it wouldn't be fair, one was in front of Dream and the other in front of Ranboo. He pulled out his pen and begun autographing whatever the person brought. Some being clothes, other possesions, papers, themselves. A lot of stuff.

A young boy was next in line, "Mr. Dream! I love your music so much, I'm your biggest fan!" He squeaked and Dream chuckled as he took the waterbottle from the boy's hand and signed it. "And what's your name?"

"Max! I'm six years old!"

His smile grew as he returned the bottle to the boy and the next person stepped up.

The autographing took up to ten minutes until the lines disppeared and the four were able to continue their walk to the seats to wait for plane.


A knock on their apartment door.

Nick groaned, "Who would be coming here now?" and George shrugged as he opened the door, finding Darryl and Zak standing before them, wide grins on their faces.

George's face contorted in suspicion, "There's is something you two are hiding."

Nick appeared beside him. "What are you two hiding?"

"Well," Zak began but Darryl interupted him, getting straight to the point, "George, we bought you and Nick tickets to see the concert this weekend!"

Nick and George's eyes widened.



"Thank you! Holy-" He hugged Darryl tightly, earning a laugh from the other.


He'd fallen asleep on the plane ride.

Wilbur was shaking him gently and when he didn't get the blonde's eyes to open, the shaking became rough, "Dream!" He whisper-shouted and Dream's head jerked up as he scowled at the other, "What?"

"We're almost here. Stay up."

Dream peered out the window and saw London below them, lights bright against the dark sky, "What time is it?"

"One, in the afternoon." Wilbur answered.


After a few more minutes and a bit of chaos when are few people recognized the band, the four members and managers were walking through the airport to recieve their bags.

"Dream, Wilbur, Ranboo, Karl," Jax began and glanced back at them as they trudged behind their managers, "There is a car waiting for you guys outside, I'll escort you there and Alexa and I will grab your bags."

Ranboo began to object, "Jax, we can get-"

"Now, now, gentlemen, come and follow me." He interupted and headed another way, leaving no space for arguments. The four shared a look and just shrugged as they followed Jax.

Dream shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, "Why is it so cold?" He whined and Ranboo shoved him playfully, "It's London, not Florida, that's why Karl told you to bring a hoodie."

He grumbled and they stopped in front a nice looking car.

"Seriously?" Wilbur said and Dream smacked his arm, "Just enjoy this. There's no point in arguing."

The four sat in the car in silence until their managers appeared outside and placed the bags inside the trunk and hopped inside the car,

"So, Wilbur, you figured out what song you want to do?" Alexa spoke up and glanced back from her seat at the passenger seat.

Her gaze traveled to Dream, "And you guys all know the songs you're doing?"

They all nodded and Dream said, "We're doing. . .huh, I don't know, we'll talk about it later, plus Wilbur's. We want it short since fans will be able to meet us afterwards."

"Which are. . ?" Alexa urged.

"A surprise." Dream smirked, earning a scoff from the manager.
Word Count: 1132

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