I Love You

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He laughed loudly as he entered backstage, his band following him out and jumping at him, engulfing him in an enormous hug. They stayed there for awhile, smiling and breathing heavily.

Once Dream pulled back, he was met with those huge grins and wide, sparkling eyes. Tears threatened to spill but he ignored them.

"Dream, that was so fucking good! You did it!" Ranboo finally exclaimed, hugging me again.

He chuckled into Ranboo's shoulder, "Yeah, yeah, I did it."

He couldn't believe it. Not so long ago, he'd come to London just for a few concerts and back home they'd go. Not long, he'd met George at the first concert and it had been practically love at first sight for him. Not long ago, he'd preformed his first solo, in which he had made a music video for and now had millions and millions of views. Not long ago, he started dating George, and here he was now.

Ranboo let go of him just as a voice screamed, "DREAM!"

Dream spun on his heels and saw George sprinting at him. He opened his arms wide and George jumped at him, wrapping his legs around Dream's waist and hugging his arms around him.

Stumbling slightly, Dream gripped onto George's thighs and kissed his forehead, nose, and lips. Pulling back just to say, "Hi, babe."

Wilbur laughed and he saw that smirk behind him. "We'll leave you two alone. But I suggest finding a room."

Dream flipped him off before heading off to his room, kicking open the door and shutting it behind him. He sat back on the bed and George adjusted himself so he could lean his head back and face him. "You did awesome. I'm proud of you."

He smiled and George leaned forwards, comfotably resting his head in the crook of Dream's neck.

Sighing suddenly, he murmued, "I'll have to leave for Florida in about three days."

George's head jerked back up, surprised. "Three days?" he echoed with his eyes wide.

Dream nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry babe, but you know I have to go back at some point."

The brunette chewed on his bottom lip. "But... that's so soon."

Dream swallowed, "I know, I know, but I have too, I only visited and we have to go back at some point. We live in Florida and I can't stay here forever."

"But... " George started, but then trailed off and Dream swore he heard his voice break, which caused his heart to crack.

Dream leaned forward to kiss George gently, letting his lips linger before pulling back. "We'll find a way, I promise. We'll find a way to live like this, okay?" He paused swallowing again. Once. Twice. "We're gonna work this out. Everything's gonna be okay."

George leaned forwards and Dream knew he was fighting the tears threatening to fall, just like his.

Dream tilted George's chin up, looking deep into those chocolate eyes that were glazed over. "Love, both of our lives changed that day we first saw each other. Mine changed into something I never imagine would happen, something even better then I ever thought. The first time I laid my eyes on you was breathtaking, you were absolutely breathtaking. I couldn't stand it, you were so fucking perfect, so utterly perfect that it was like you were a gift. Perhaps you were a gift to me, someone so special that I'd never imagine I'd have. I'm so glad I came to London, George. I'm so fucking glad that I came here and we gave everyone the chance to meet us so I could meet you. I love you, George. I love you."

He leaned forwards and gently kissed away the tears falling down George's cheeks. "We'll find a way, we're going to find a way to live like this. I love you, and you're here right now, that's all that matters right now."

George smiled, leaning forward and resting his forehead against Dream's. "I love you too."
Well, that's a wrap guys, "Famous Hearts" has come to an end.
This isn't confirmed, but there may be a sequel on the way to this fic!
Sappy Time ;)
Thank you guys so much for the support, I'd never thought both of my fics would get so far, annnd I got to 100 followers while writing "Famous Hearts". All of you guys mean so much to me :) I love you guys <3
And in the meantime, check out "Don't Lose Control"!
-Lupa <3

Started- February 23, 2021
Ended- May 11, 2021
Total Word Count- 20,843

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