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He woke up to Dream drawing shapes on his palms lazily, eyes slightly hooded and he seemed deep in thought.

The sun shone down on them, illuminating Dream's dirty-blonde hair. It was still dyed with lime green and George smiled slightly, watching Dream's beautiful emerald eyes focus on the drawings.(he aint colorblind :D to difficult).

Dream noticed that he'd woken up and he brightened up. "Hi! Sleep well, love?" He bent down to kiss George gently on his forehead.

George nodded as best as he could since his head was resting on Dream's lap. "Yeah, you?"

Dream shrugged nonchalantly, "More or less, but I can't feel my legs."

George snickered, "Live with it."

Rolling his eyes playfully, Dream ruffled George's hair.

“So,” Dream said as he twirled strands of George’s hair through his fingers, “I wanna know more about you.”

George looked up at him, “Like what?”

Dream shrugged again, “Anything. Just you.”

He was silent for a while, thinking.

“Like—what do you like to do—I guess,” Dream laughed slightly.

“Um I like to read and draw. Watching tv is fun or anything like that. I like just walking through the forest and coming to the treehouse. You. Concerts are fun and hot chocolate. Any chocolate!” George told him, his voice growing with a bit more excitement after each word.

He saw Dream blush too.

He smirked, “I gotchuuuu.”

His cheeks still tinted pink, Dream bent down to kiss George, in which he happily kissed back.

“Oh, and obviously Dakota and Mali,” George said with a smile once Dream pulled back.

“What about you?” He continued, curious.

“Singing and dancing—kinda obvious, hah. Um, cats—especially lions. Pasta is really good. Stargazing. Stargazing on the roof! Anything to do with that. Beaches, I love beaches. But especially singing and making music—“

George watched and listened as Dream rambled off about his band and meeting the band members, how the band skyrocketed through fame and how their fanmade grew.

Dream’s eyes were sparkling and he seemed so excited to tell George about everything.

He soon stopped and glanced down at George, “Sorry—“

George sat up and spun around so he sat in Dream’s lap, facing him. “No! Don’t be! I liked listening to that. You were happy so that made me happy.”

Dream smiled.

“How was your childhood? Like, what was it like growing up?” George asked and immediately knew it was a mistake.

Dream’s smile fell.

“Oh, you don’t—“

The blonde placed a finger on his lips, shushing him, “No, I will.”

May Be Triggering

“Um, I wasn’t born into the greatest family, from around when I was the age of six my mom was an alcoholic—extremely. She drank a lot. My dad would always yell at me and my younger sister, even when we weren’t doing anything.

“My mom would yell at us too, when she was drunk especially. My parents argued every single day and my sister and I would hide in my room. I’d stay with her until I stopped hearing stuff being thrown and their voices quieted down.

“As we grew older, maybe around middle school through high school, I would be the one to watch over my sister. I made sure she wasn’t home alone with my parents while I was gone or anything like that. I hated school but it was my escape from home.

“One day, I—I tried to sing, just for fun and I liked it. I could sing anything and put my emotions into any songs. I forgot where I was and what I was living in. I kept on doing it and soon enough, I loved it. My sister—she supported me from the very beginning and always said she’d known I’d love to sing. Sometimes she would sing with me, just sing along, add her own lyrics sometimes.

“One day, I was just like, fuck it, singing is where I’m going, I’m gonna make a living out of it. I looked and looked for people who wanted a career in music and I found Wilbur, Ranboo and Karl. We started small, just playing in cafes or on the road. And we grew.

George stared at him with his mouth ever so slightly open, “And your family?” He asked quietly.

Dream took in a deep breath.

“I was once um—making some music in my room and I heard my sister scream. The most horrible scream I’d ever heard and I ran out my room to check what happened, I heard it come from outside but it was so loud I heard it perfectly.

“I ran outside and my sister was standing by the front porch, in utter shock and when I looked I saw my mom’s car crashed into the huge tree outside our home. The car was destroyed and my mom was dead inside.

“My sister saw it all, she said our mom killed herself, just fucking r—ran straight into the tree and—and my dad also came out running and started screaming at us once he saw mom, dead—inside the car.

“He blamed us for it, blamed that it was mine and my sister’s fault that she—she killed herself and weeks later, I moved out with my sister. Away from my parents.

“The band made enough money for a big house for all of us and my sister stayed with us until she wanted to move out, which was three years ago.”

George stared at him in shock, “Oh my—holy shit—Dream, that’s—I’m so sorry.”

Dream shook his head and chuckled weakly. His eyes were red and glossy, “No, it’s um—fine.”

A wet nose budged between them and they glanced down, finding Dakota staring up at them with wide brown eyes.

George laughed, “Perfect timing girly.”

Dream smiled and ruffled the top of Dakota’s head.

“Why don’t we head back? They might be wondering where we’ve been,” George said.

Dream hummed, “I swear to fucking god if they asked if we’ve fu-“

“Oh shut it.”
Well, what a fun chapter ;D
Word Count: 1020

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