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Okay, well now his heart is racing like hell. He flopped onto the couch of the studio's patio, gripping his blonde locks as he staired at the dark sky, he'd have to wait like eight to nine ours until he were to meet George at the cafe.

He heard footsteps on the wooden planks and he turned his head, finding Wilbur standing there and the other sat down. "Ay, what's up? How'd it go?"

Dream chuckled and slowly let his hands drop down onto the cushion, "Great, believe it or not. I'm meeting him at the cafe later today."

Wilbur smiled with a teasing glint in his eyes, "Is someone in love? I hear?" He teased and ruffled Dream's hair and he smacked the others hand away, a frown growing on his face. "Shut up Wilbur, we've only just met." Dream said as he glared at him.

Wilbur raised his hands up in mock-surrender before turning serious. "Karl and Ranboo are asleep in their rooms but I want to talk about the next concert, which is this weekend."

Dream sighed, " I know, Jax and Alexa want me to do a solo but. . ."

He trailed off.

"Dream, man, c'mon, I've heard that song of yours and it's sick. You're gonna do great. The audience is going to love it. Seriously." Wilbur said reassuringly.

Dream smiled. "Yeah, yeah, I guess." He sat up. "But also, what other songs are whe gonna do?"

Wilbur tilted his head thoughtfully, "I really want to do Into The Night, it has a lot of instrumental and it'll give the instruments a chance to show off."

Dream nodded slowly and thoughtfully, "'Aight, I'll definently keep that in mind."

The other pushed himself off the couch, "Cool, I'll see you later." And with that, he padded off quietly, leaving Dream with his thoughts.


How the fuck did he fall asleep until 9:15?!

"Well shit," George mumbled as he rolled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to get ready and actually put on nice clothes. Once finished, George basically flew out his room and into the tiny kitchen, grabbing himself a small snack before yelling, "I'm walking to the cafe! Text me if you need anything!" To Nick, wherever he, if he was in the house.

Not to his surprise, no answer, probably passed out in bed so George left the apartment room silently and made his wall into the open sidewalks of London. There were posters and billboards everywhere of Bring Me The Dreamers coming to London, no surprise. The sidewalks were crowded but the roads were empty, it felt nice, the breeze the light smell of delicious treats and autumn wind, felt nice.

And it was freezing.

His dumbass didn't bring a hoodie. How could he forget? How? It's London!

So he was currently suffering in the wind blowing around.

As he neared the cafe he pulled out his phone.

Dreaaaamm, I'm almost here, what do u want??

Dream responded immedieately.

Chocolate chip muffin, coffee with extra cream and a large vanilla shake with whipped cream pleaassseeee

So simple

Its good dont judge

Im kidding, alright, i'll be waiting at a table once you get here :)

He quickly ordered Dream's and his brunch. His being some french toast and hot chocolate, yummy.

He sat down at a seat next to the fire, since he was literally freezing his ass off and pulled out his phone once again, swiping through Twitter. Nothing much.

"Hi George! Long time no see," Dream's voice made him jerk his head up, earning a laugh as the other sat down in front of him. "Scared yah."

George rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh shut up."

Food arrived at the table shortly after.

George poked on his french toasts with his fork. "So, Dream," He began, "What do you think of London so far?"

Dream took a quick sip of his coffee before responding, "Great! I love it, actually." His answer felt forced and George narrowed his eyes, "Something wrong?"

Dream shook his head. "HOT!" He pointed at the coffee and George burst out laughing, "What did you expect? Cold coffee?"

The other tried frowning, "Shut up."

Once Dream finished 'suffering' as the other had stated, which George thought was completely dramatic, Dream spoke up again. "No, seriously, I love it here so far. A lot different than what Florida is like."

George tilted his head curiously, "What's Florida like?"

"It's really hot and humid and it honestly rains a lot."

"A lot different than London." George deadpanned and Dream chuckled, "Yep."

After finishing their brunch, Dream glanced at his phine when it buzzed before putting it back down. "Could you um-show me around London?"

George smiled, "Sure! Let me pay real quick."

"I'll do it." Dream said.

"No, it'll do-"


"But Dre-"


Dream paid for them, as he had insisted and the two headed out the door and into the open, where it had turned much colder, but George ignored it.


Dream couldn't stop staring at George as the other showed him around. Pointing out parks, buildings, monuments, everything. The smile on the other's face made Dream smile himself.

And George was shivering.

Dream frowned and shrugged his lime green hoodie with a smiley face off and handed it to George, "Take it. You're cold."

George's eyes widened and he shook his head, "N-no, I'm good."

He didn't take his hand away, "George, I can see you shivering, take it."

George sighed and took his from his grasp, putting it on and it was huge.

Walking for awhile more, Dream's phone buzzed again and he pulled it our.

Drrreeaaammmm come back, we need to practice

Dude, seriously cmon

fine, fine fine. ill be back in around thirty minutes Wilbbyy

Do NOT call me that

No promises

He sighed and glanced at George, "Thanks for showing me around." He smiled and George smiled back, "No problem, see you again, some time?"

Dream nodded and they parted and he sent a quick text to George.

Keep the hoodie :)

Pretty Boy:

Yeah keep it, I have tons of others

Pretty Boy:

Dream smiled widely as he continued his walk towards the studio.
Word Count: 1065

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