Bonus Chapter - Arcade

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"The arcade is in the other direction you asshole!" Karl screamed, pointing exasperately in the other direction from the passenger seat.

"I know, I know!" Wilbur said, "but I can't just turn around in the middle of the street, can I?"

"Do it, no balls," Dream muttered and Ranboo snickered while Wilbur huffed in what seemed like disappointment.

"But really, speed the fuck up, Wilbah, 'cause we told Nick and George that we'd beat them there!" Karl reminded.

Wilbur shot him a glare and finally he was able to turn around and immediately sped up heavily, throwing Dream, Ranboo, and Karl forwards.

Karl grinned, "There we go, FASTER WIL!"

Grinning back, he pressed down harder on the pedal and on the (surprisingly) empty road, the car sped through, lights filling the street and few figures walking on the sidewalk.

Finally, they made it to building that was slightly hidden and immediately, Dream noticed George's car.

"Look at that," he groaned, "they're here."

"Fuck off, Dream," Wilbur snapped back as they hopped out of the car and headed toward the entrance and through the door.

They were greeted with a near empty arcade--because it was midnight-- that was filled with all sorts of LED-sort of lights on every arcade games that were screaming to be played.

"Dream! Finally!" came George's voice and Dream was able to turn around just in time for George to jump at him and hug him tightly. Dream hugged back for a few seconds, kissing the top of his head before pulling back and finding Nick hugging Karl and even the rest of BMTDs also hugged Nick and George.

"You can blame Wil," Ranboo chimed in, earning of shove suspiciously coming from the direction where Wilbur stood.

Nick smiled and George dug into his pocket, pulling out a stack of cards and giving each of them one. "We already paid for your cards, there should be fifty on each."

The band all thanked them and Wilbur led Ranboo away, muttering something about 'letting the pairs of lovebirds be'.

Dream rolled his eyes at that while George dragged him away and towards the first arcade game--some sort of shooting.

They played it three our four times until Dream gave up, complaining about how much George was then him and George only smirked.

"Sucks to suck, doesn't it?"

Again, Dream rolled his eyes, earning a slap from George and Dream winced at how much it actually hurt.

Once they made it to the basketball-type of games, Dream dominated them, teasing George at how he was much better, even though he couldn't say much 'cause George was technically beating him in overall games won.

"What the fuck?" George groaned as he watched Dream's tickets keep on going and up.

Dream ruffled his hair. "You're winning on 'how much games won' so shut up."

George scoffed, but stood up in tiptoes to peck Dream's cheek.

They continued playing for a while because turns out, George put 120 in Dream's card, in which it made Dream's cheeks heat up at how adorable it was when George told him.

They saw the two other pairs at times, playing a bunch of team games that turned out a lot harder then they were.

But now, here Dream stood--alone--in front of toy machine with only a few left in his card. He was determined to get George a stuffed animal. He had already tried another toy machine not so far off but no luck.

His eyes scanned the toys littered across the other side until they landed on a pretty big light-blue stuffed bear with clout goggles on its head.


George would love that.

Dream swiped his card and gripped the handle, carefully moving the claw over the bear and clicking the button, watching as it lowered onto it and closed it claw and fucking came back up with it.

He was never lucky.

Thank god he was tonight.

Grinning as he squatted down and grabbed it, he went off to find George.

He was at the table Dream had left him at, saying that he had to go make a call with Jax for a few minutes--which had turned into fifteen.

"Oh Geooorgge," he began, "look what I got you."

George looked up and immediately a smile grew on his face as he hopped off the stool. "For me?"

Dream nodded and gave it to the brunet who smiled widely and hugged him tightly. "You're so fucking adorable, thank you, Dream."

He hugged back and as well had a huge smile on his face.
decided to give u guys a bonus chapter because why not

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