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"WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" Wilbur's voice echoed through the flat and Dream frowned from his seat on the island, "Why are you yelling?"

Wilbur shrugged, "Wanted to see if you two were still asleep."

"Did you guys bring back breakfast?" George asked from the seat beside Dream.

Nick grinned, "Yep, hope you two like Denny's."

Dream chuckled and sent a glare at Wilbur, who just shrugged innocently.

George just happily pulled out a box from the bag and opened it, revealing some pancakes and bacon, which he gladly took a piece of the bacon and took a bite.

Everyone else joined in, grabbing at the pancakes and bacon.

"Who fell asleep last?" George asked through a mouthful of bacon.

"I did," Wilbur said, "I went through about 8 movies before falling asleep."

"How the fuck do you do that?" Ranboo asked as he snatched a piece of bacon from Dream's hands, who glared at him and Ranboo only grinned.

"How does he not? He rarely sleeps," Karl said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he went through a week without sleeping."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up, both of y-" He was cut off by his phone ringing and he took it out of his pocket, frowning as he looked at who was the calling.

"Who is it?" Ranboo asked.

"Jax," He said before accepting the call. Everyone else listened as Wilbur spoke to their manager.

" George's and Nick's was after a concert! We were celebrating Dreams-...okay look, if you're only mad because we took Alexa's car then this is stupid...'kay don't control where we go Jax! We came here to celebrate and we stayed overnight...okay! okay! No need to yell!...yeah, I know...but it's in a week!...ugh fine, we'll be home in about thirty minutes."

Muttering something under his breath, Wilbur hung up and looked at his band members, "He wants us to go back to practice for this coming weekend."

Karl frowned, "It seemed like he was mad."

"Pissed," Wilbut said, rolling his eyes, "He wanted us to begin practicing like two hours after the concert yesterday but I explained to him that we were at Nick and George's house and he started yelling about that we weren't gonna be perpared."

"Oh come on now," Dream scoffed, flicking strands of hair out of his eyes, "I've got two songs I already want to do. We'll be fine."

Nick sighed, "Do you guys have to go?"

"Yeah, sorry guys," Ranboo said, pushing away from the island.

"Don't apologize, you guys are fine," George said, smiling as he stood up and hugged Wilbur, Karl, then Ranboo.

He turned to Dream, smiling so small that he could barely see it and George hugged him tightly. After a few seconds, Dream pulled back and lifted George's chin up and Dream placed his lips on George's, kissing him.

"I knew it-"


"Karl you owe me 20 bucks-"


Dream and George both pulled back, surprised, "WHAT? You guys bet on us?"

Nick smirked, "I said it would happen during this week, Karl said it'd happen next week."

Karl rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, no need to brag."

Laughing, Dream gave George one last peck on the lips before he and the rest of his band strolled out the door.
Bit of a shorter chapter today guys
Word Count-567

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