Wild Night

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It's only an hour until showtime and they were all over the place. Hairstylist rushed to get all four band member's hair ready while fashion designers looked for their clothes.

Each member wore a simple loose sweater with a smiley face on it. Dream's was lime green, Wilbur's yellow, Karl's purple, and Ranboo's black and white. And white ripped jeans with boots.

Their hair was all dyed. Dream had green highlights, Wilbur had yellow highlights, the tips of Karl's were purple, and Ranboo never changed his, he kept his iconic black and white split dyed hair.

He sat on the comfortable coats with fur covered cushions, bouncing his leg impatiently.

The clock ticked.

"Dream! C'mon!" Ranboo's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Three minutes 'til showtime!"

Dream smiled and hurried after his friend, waiting on the side of the huge stage with his other band members.

A producer appeared before them, "Showtime. Goodluck guys."

As the four entered the stage, thousands upon thousands of cheers erupted from the crowd and Dream could barely make out George and Nick cheering near the front, he gave them a lopsided grin as he gripped his mic, adjusting it.

"What's up guys?" He asked loudly, glancing around the crowd, "Are we ready for tonight?"

'Yes's rang throughout the crowd and Dream chuckled, "Are we ready? Wil? Karl? Ranboo?"

"Yes!" His friends replied enthusiastically and Dream laughed, "Alrighty, why don't we jump right into it."

"Here's Into The Night."

The lights dimmed and Dream shuffled his feet, waiting for the music to begin.

The strumming of Wilbur's and Karl's guitars echoed throughout the stadium. He sucked in a deep breath and let hs voice swim through the air.

"Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell
It was love from above, like it saved me from hell
She had fire in her soul, it was easy to see how the devil himself could be pulled out of me
There were drums in the air as she started to dance
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands and we sang"

Wilbur joined in with him, keeping a nigher melody.

"Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
And the voices rang like the angels sing
We're singing, ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
And we danced on into the night
Ay oh ay oh, ay oh ay oh
And we danced on into the night"

He smiled, strutting around the stage is squatting down in front of a group of girls, who squealed at his sassy appearance he made. Wilbur made his way to the front on the other side, singing in front of another group of teenagers.

"Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place
You could tell how we felt from the look on her face
She was spinning in circles with the moon in her eyes
The room left them moving between you and I
We forgot where we were, and we lost track of time
And we sang to the wind as we danced through the night, and we sang"

He jumped back onto his feet gracefully and shoved his shoulder into Wil playfully, eyeing him and smiling even wider.

"Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
And the voices rang like the angels sing
We're singing, ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
And we danced on into the night
Ay oh ay oh, ay oh ay oh
And we danced on into the night"

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