Movie Night

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"Please tell me you have some good food at home!" Karl whined as they all hopped in the car.

"Duh, you think we wouldn't?" Nick teased, shoving Karl into his seat.

"I mean, well-"

"Shut up you love birds, please! I don't need to be reminded how lonely I am!" Wilbur groaned playfully.

Dream gave him a glare, "You forgot about us!"

Rolling his eyes, Wilbur started the car, putting on some music on the radio.

Wilbur sat in the driver's seat, Nick in the passenger seat, Dream and George in the second row, and Karl and Ranboo in the back.

"You're saying Karl and I are the love birds?" Nick began, "I think it's Dream and Gogy."

"What! No!" "Don't call me Gogy!"

The two shouted at Nick, both glaring at him angrily.

Nick raised his hands up in surrender and Ranboo chuckled from the seats behind them.


"Girl I must warn you
I sense something strange in my mind
Yeah yo situation is serious
Let's cure it 'cause we're running out of time
Mm mm tell 'em Rick it's all so beautiful
Relationships they seem from the start
Yeah mm mm it's all so deadly
When love is not together from the heart
Mm mm check it out!"

"KARL YOU"RE SCREAMING IN MY EAR!" Ranboo groaned, dramtically covering his ears.

"AND?" Karl screamed back, "THE SONG IS GOOD!"

"That girl is poison
Never trust a big butt and smile
That girl is poison poison"

"If I were you I'd take precaution
Before I start to leave fly girl
You know 'cause in some-"

"Karl! Please save the singing for toni-" Ranboo complained but Dream cut him off, "WHO CARES? JUST SING! RANBOO YOU LIVE WITH THIS!"

"FINE!" Ranboo groaned.

Karl grinned and began singing once again,

"Poison deadly moving it slow
Looking for a mellow fellow like DeVoe
Getting paid laid so better lay low"

Nick joined in with him, singing a much more off-tune of version.

"I was at the bar shake shakin' takin' 'em off
And that night I played the wall
Checkin' out the fellas the highs the lows
Keepin' one eye open still clockin' 'em
Still one particular girl that stood out from the rest
Poison as can be how how is she
Michael me and see and I'm runnin' the show
Bell Biv DeVoe ha-ha ha-ha
Now you know you're Slick blow"

Dream glanced back to see Ranboo dramatically drop his head into his hands and groan, "I hate all of you."

"Awe," George spoke up, "We love you too!"

"WILBUR!" Everyone suddenly yelled as he slammed on the brakes, causing everyone to slam forwards.

"Sorry!" He said, glancing back at all of them through the mirror. "Not my fault the cars before us decide to stop so suddenly!"

Dream rolled eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

"I'm serious!"

Laughing, he leaned his head against the cold window, watching as buildings and trees zoomed by the car in blurs. The sky was turning into a shade of dark purple and blue and stars were beginning to show.

The car ride had quieted down and there was quiet music playing the some of them were having occasional chatters but the most was just comfortable silence.

Dream suddenly felt weight on his shoulder and he glanced over to see George rested his head on his shoulder, eyes slightly closed. Dream turned to look  another way in attempt to hide his blush but he caught Wilbur look at them and smile knowingly.


"Okay! Everyone out we're home! Get out bitches!" Nick yelled, causing Dream to jerk his head in surprise, grumbling, "Did you have to yell?"

"Yes. Now c'mon."

The boys all hopped out the car and George and Nick led them to their flat, in which Dream found quite spacious for an apartment room. Opening the door, there was a small kitchen, a couch with a TV and some counters and a coffee table and there was a hallway that he thought most likely lead to a bathroom and some bedrooms.

"Dakota!" George said in the highest pitch and that's when Dream saw a border collie puppy run up to them and George dropped into a squat, scooping her right up before turning to look at the rest of them, "So we gonna do a movie marathon?"

Nick yawned before answering, "Yup! I'll go get blankets, pillow, whatever, while you show everyone where everything is."

Nodding, George led them all around the flat and showed them where everything was while Nick got everything set up for movie night.


"Dream, give me the goddamn blanket!" Nick groaned as he chased after him around the house.

Laughing, Dream swerved around the island and ran back into the living room and leaped over the couch--almost landing on top of the fort they were trying to builf.

"DREAM!" Everyone shouted as he missed the half-created fort by merely an inch.

"Sorry!" He yelled back as he dodged everything lying on the ground.

"PLEASE STOP RUNNING AROUND LIKE CHILDREN!" Wilbur groaned and Dream and Nick stumbled to a halt, looking at each other before laughing and Dream reluctantly handing Nick the blanket.

Finally, after forty-five chaotic minutes, the group was able to set up the fort and everyone lied under the blankets and Ranboo had the remote, scrolling through movies to watch.

"You guys want to start with Harry Potter?" He asked, glancing at each of them questioningly.

They all agreed and Ranboo clicked on the first movie.


The first one was easiest to get through, everyone chattered every now and then and no one was falling asleep.


The second one was just fucking crazy. Everyone was fighting for who had more of the blanket. Nick went to make some popcorn and it was gone in minutes so George was sent to make three different buckets--which were gone in about fifteen minutes.


Third movie. . .the fort almost collapsed on them. Dream almost broke the tv by 'accidentally' throwing the remote at the tv and he insisted that it was supposed to be at the wall.
Ranboo and Nick fell asleep.

Dream heard a small meowing sound and he turned to see the cat, Mali padding towards them and she hopped into a comfortable position between one of Dream's leg and the couch.

"Hey girl," He whispered, bringing him hand to pet her head and rubbing just behind her ears. She purred and Dream smiled.


Fourth movie. . .

Everyone awake was silent as the movie played before them and Dream suddenly felt weight on his shouler. Craning his head, he saw George resting his head on Dream's shoulder, fast asleep.

Dream turned his head, hidng his blush from Karl and Wilbur smiling at them knowingly.

As the hours went on, he subconsiously rested his head on top of George's and his eyelids became heavy and very soon after, he fell asleep.


Wil looked over at Dream and George and then back at Karl, the only other one awake. "How the fuck are they not dating?"

Karl shrugged, "Dunno, but they better say something soon."

Chuckling, Wilbur leaned his head back and continued to watch.
Word Count: 1203

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