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He flopped onto their couch, piece of paper still in hand and Nick sat on the arm rest, glancing down at him. "Are you gonna text him?"

"What if it's a scam?" George asked.

Nick rolled his eyes. "It won't be. Do you really think Dream would do that?"

George thought for a second, "Well-no."

Nick ruffled his hair, "That's what I thought, now text him. He was staring at you the entire time." He said teasingly and George gave him a glare, "Because of what you called me." And the brunette stood up and headed to his room, shutting the door behind him.

He looked at the paper and quickly typed in the number into his phone with shaking fingers.

Um, hello?

Hi! If youre thinking it's a scam, then no, it's not, it's really Dream.

George changed the contact name.

Oh shii, um hi dream! Why'd you give me ur number?

Seconds passed before he got an answer.

Um well, i have no idea how to really say it, but i find you pretty and the boys wouldn't shut up about me giving u my number

George read those four words over and over again, Dream found him pretty? He's definitely dreaming or something.


Yes! george im serious! youre pretty ;)

Wow, srry, that was um sudden


Noooo dont apologize it's fine

Five minutes went by before his phone buzzed again.

So, um do you want to go get coffee tomorrow? okay, i wouldnt say tomorrow since its like 1 am but want to get coffee at like 10? and you could maybe show me around london?

Are you asking for a date???

Nooonononono, just coffee, we can talk more :)

suure! we can meet by the entrance of that coffee shop near the stadium u had ur concert in

okay! i'll see you then, byee


George placed his phone on his nightstand and lied down on his bed, rubbing his eyes. "Holy fudging shit." He's really gonna meet Dream later in the morning. Holy shit. He grabbed his phone again and scrolled through twitter.

Guys, help, im gonna have a heart attack
Something happened and his door is locked
  Are you stalking me
  Um, no
Was it something I said?
  Wait, wait wait wait, say that again
  Was it something I said?
  Im a bit sus about something but Im not gonna say anything
was it dream
Of topic but where tf is Karl
  Sleeping :D

@DreamOfficial started following you!

George hid his smile and loud banging came from his door and he lazily stood up from his bed and opened the door, finding Nick standing there. "Nick, I'm going to sleep, what do you want?"

"What did Dream say?" Nick asked urgently and George resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Nick, I'll talk about it in the morning. I'm tired."

"Please." Nick begged and dragged the 'e' sound.

"Fine," George sighed. "I'm getting coffee with Dream tomorrow."

Nick's eyes widened, "Is it a da-"

"Nick NO!" George cut him off, cheeks flushing red. "All he asked was if I wanted to go get coffee with him and I said yes. No date."

Before Nick could say anything else, he shut the door on his friends face and got ready for bed.
Word Count: 587

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