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He woke up to the sound of a dog whining, loudly.

Very loudly.

Groaning, George rolled out of bed groggily and opened the door, making his way to the living room and finding Dakota whining loudly in her crate, pawing at the door and spinning around, doing the same thing over, and over, and over again.

"Are you serious?" George whined as he squatted before the crate and opened it, gently grabbing Dakota and setting her down on the carpet, walking over to the kitchen counter with the puppy at his heels.

George took the leash and lifted Dakota, attaching the leash to her collar. "C'mon, let's go for a walk."

The sun shone brightly as he mad it to the clear sidewalks of London, not to many people were out this early so that was good, he had a lot of space to himself.

Dakota trotted along, speeding up sometimes to smell something new. She circled around his legs and yipped at other dogs or animals. Tried chasing birds or squirrels and dramatically slowed down at times.

George pulled the leash closer so Dakota could only stray a little.

They made it to an open field and George unclipped the leash, knowing she couldn't run so far.

He watched as the puppy ran along the grass, leaping over it and landing lightly on the dirt.

George chuckled and squatted down, whistling, "Dakota! C'mere girlie!"

The puppy's ears perked up and she turned her head, panting and sprinting towards George.

He smiled widely as she came to stumbling stop in front of him, sitting down and staring right up at him with her huge brown eyes.

"You wanna play fetch?" George asked as he picked up a stick from the ground and threw it far. Dakota darted after it, tripping over her own paws as she hurried after it.

She came back yipping with the stick in her jaws, she looked so tiny compared to it and George cooed as she stopped before him and dropped the stick at his feet.

They continued the game for about an hour until his phone buzzed and Nick's contact appeared on the lock screen.

Laughing to himself, George threw the stick really far this time and watched as Dakota disappeared into the long blades of grass before reappearing with a completely different stick.

She plopped it down in front of him but when George threw it again, she made no move to chase after it and instead flopped onto the dewy grass and George smiled, sitting down next to her and leaning back on a tree, bringing a hand up to her fluffy pelt and in the other going onto his phone.

New dog, :) Meet Dakota

----------------||@SapnapAND YOU WERE COMPLAINING  |  @GeorgeNotFound  Yeah, I was, now she's my baby :)  |  @Sapnap  I hate you  |  @GeorgeNotFound  ily2 ;)||@KarlJacobs_Give me it now  |  @a-p-p-l-e-s  no, give ME it  |  @Wolfie  No me  |  @Geor...

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  Yeah, I was, now she's my baby :)
  I hate you
  ily2 ;)
Give me it now
  no, give ME it
  No me
  Mine :D

George chuckled as the notifications kept on rolling in and he looked up to find Dakota staring at him with her jaw open and tongue hanging out, panting.

"You tired?" George asked as he clipped on the leash and stood up, walking back home with Dakota trailing slowly behind.

They made it about halfway before Dakota sat down, refusing to move.

Sighing, George scooped her up and carried her all the way home where he set her down and unclipped her leash, letting her roam the apartment room.

It was beginning to get dark so George made his way to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, changing into pajamas and finding Mali passed out on his bed--or more specifically, his pillow, as she was curled up into a ball eith her muzzle burried under her tail.

"George!" Nick's voice sounded from the front door as he called his name and George poked his head out his bedroom door, "What?"

"I bought us tickets for tomorrows concert!" He exclaimed as kicked off his shoes as flopped onto the couch, swinging his legs over the armrest.

George instantly smiled widely, "Really?"

Nick nodded and then suddenly asked, "Did you give Dream his hoodie?"

George remembered that he'd taken it off in his room. "No, he said I could keep it."

He swore he saw Nick smirk knowingly.

George yawned, "I'm going to bed, see ya tomorrow."

And he turned back into his room, sliding under the covers and gently setting Mali down next to him, who instead meowed and made herself comfortable on his stomach.

He chuckled before slowly falling into deep sleep.
Word Count: 787
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