Pretty Boy

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“Nick, c’mon!” George whined as he literally had to drag Nick behind him.

“Could I at least get myself a hotdog or something?” His friend pleaded and George didn’t answer, he only tightened his grip on Nick’s wrist and dragged him into the line.

“We’re literally last because of you.” George huffed and smacked Nick’s arm, which gave him a glare in return. “It’s fine, they’re not gonna leave until we all finish.”


“Shit!” Dream muttered as he pushed himself off from the couch he lounged on and into the salon, where people rushed around to clean everything up. They stopped once they noticed him, “My makeup messed up during the concert, fix.”

A short lady hurried over to him and brought him to all the makeup, making him face her and close his eyes.

After a rushed seven minutes, he thanked her and hurried back to the room and right as he entered, a man peeked through the doorway, “Boys, we’re ready to begin.”

They nodded and the first two people came in, and Wilbur immediately brightened up.

“Tommy! Tubbo! Holy shit!” He opened his arms wide and the two younger boys hugged him tightly. Dream chuckled and the other three waited until they parted.

“Gents, this is Tommy and Tubbo! My best friends!” Wilbur smiled as he introduced them to the band.

“Hi! I’m Dream, this is Karl and Ranboo.” He pointed to each of them as he stated their names and they waved.

“We couldn’t miss this concert if we had a chance to see you in person!” Tubbo said in the sweetest voice.

“Awe,” Karl whispered.

They talked for a while until one of the producers said it was time for the next people.

Hours went on by and Dream was getting tired, but he loved meeting these people, so it took his mind off of being tired.

Jax came into the room and glanced at each of the band members, “You boys have one more group into you’re free to head back to the studio and rest.”

They nodded and when the last group came in, Dream’s heart just flew out of his body.

The prettiest boy he’s ever seen in his entire life had just entered the room. His coffee eyes shined brightly against his pale skin and brown hair hung over his forehead, gleaming in the lights the room was giving.

“Dream,” Ranboo hissed, giving him a shove, “You’re staring.”

He quickly shook his head and gave the two entering a wide smile, “Hi guys! Obviously you know our names, so what are yours?”

“I’m Nick, and this here is George, aka the one who simps for Dream.” Nick announced and Dream’s skin heated and George blushed deeply as well. Karl spat out his water.

“NICK!” George screeched and smacked his friend hard.

Wilbur was laughing his ass off, same with Ranboo and Dream’s cheeks turned a darker red. “Shut up, both of you, or I’m telling Alexa and Jax to leave you two behind and you can walk to the studio.” He said as firm as he could, but since his cheeks were so red, they couldn’t take him seriously so Dream just rolled his eyes and gave up.

They talked for an hour. The max was thirty minutes but since they were last, they had all the time until the BMTD members decided so. And, Dream couldn’t take his eyes off the pretty boy, he was flawless.

Ranboo looked at the clock and sighed, “Alrightly, thank you Nick and George but it’s time us lads head back.”

The two nodded, standing up and a tall lady led them out the room. Dream swore George did one last glance back at him.

“Dream, buddy, did you have to make it so obvious?” Wilbur whined dramatically.

“What obvious?”

“That you’re falling for that boy, you wouldn’t stop staring!” Karl continued for Wilbur.

“I wasn’t staring!” Dream defended. “He’s just pretty- stop laughing. Fucking stop it.”

His band members didn’t, they continued to laugh their asses off and Ranboo ended up having to lean on Wilbur for support.

“Whatever floats your boat man, but at least give him your number, you may never see him again.” Wilbur said, handing him a small piece of paper with Dream’s number on it.

“We still have another two concerts here-“ Dream began but Karl cut him off.

“Do it.” Dream sighed and hurried out the room, trying to calm his beating heart.

He spotted the pretty boy just outside the stage door.


“Did you really have to do that?” George growled at Nick as they headed back to their car.

“Yes.” Nick smirked.

The pounding of footsteps made them turn to find Dream running towards them and skidding to a stop in front of them.

“Um-goddamnit this is awkward but here,” He handed George a folded piece of paper. “Take it, text if you want.”

George couldn’t answer and Nick had to drag him away and shove him into the passenger seat.

“Text him?” George said as he unfolded the paper, and right there was Dream’s number.

“Holy shit.” He chuckled breathlessly.
Word Count: 862

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