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"Well everybody," Dream glanced around, "Would you like to know the surprise?"


He laughed wholeheartedly, "I have a solo, brand new song!"

The crowd cheered and he could make out encouraging words and shouts of excitement. He smiled, he didn't quite expect this reaction. "I'm going to go backstage for a few minutes, get water or whatever. You guys go grab something to drink or eat too! There's icecream and popsicles out there!"

And with that, the band went backstage, seeing Alexa and Jax waiting for them.

"That was awesome, guys!" Jax exclaimed, giving each of them a long hug.

Dream grinned as he pulled back, "Thanks, Jax. I'm going to go get some water before I go back onstage, I'll be back." He gave them a mock-salute before going to the lounge room and grabbing himself a cup of water.

That's when he noticed he was shaking. His hands trembled as he filled up the cup and brought it up to his lips, chugging down the cold liquid. He placed it down on the counter and leaned back against the wall.

TW: Panic Attack

Dream brought his hands up to his dyed hair and gripped it tightly tugging on the locks. Breathe, you're okay, breathe, long breathes. You'll be fine, the crowds' going to love your new song.

No, he wasn't' okay, the song-what would they think? Would it be bad? Will they hate it?

He slid down to a sitting position, covering his ears with his hands and leaning his head backwards. What if I mess up? I've never messed up onstage before-but that's because it wasn't a solo.

Footsteps pounded against the tile but his vision blurred, he couldn't see the people squatting down, barely make out their voices as the words slurred together. "DREAM! DREAM! Listen to me, listen to my voice."


He squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't breath, his lungs, his chest was so tight.

"I can't breathe-" He gasped, trying to suck in any air.

Wilbur's eyes widened in concern and Dream heard another voice, Karl's, "Breathe with me? Okay?"

"Dream nod for me, nod. Tell me you will." Karl said sternly.

He nodded, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.

"Okay, copy me. In 1...2...3...4...Out 1...2...3...4...In...1...2...3...4...Out 1...2...3...4...In...1...2...3...4...Out 1...2...3...4...In...1...2...3...4...Out 1...2...3...4...In...1...2...3...4..."

Dream's breathing slowed and his vision cleared, he could finally see Wilbur and Karl there before him.


"Dream?" Wilbur asked gently.

"I'm-I'm fine. It's fine. I'm fine," He reassured them, gulping another breath of air.

"You sure?" Karl asked and Dream nodded. "Yeah."

Wilbur grasped his shoulder, "You'll do great man, I know you will."

Dream chuckled breathlessly, "Yeah, yeah."

He hopped to feet, "I'll see ya after, the crowds' waiting for me."

Walking onstage, the crowd cheered loudly and Dream grinned as he gripped his mic, "You guys ready?"


"Well then, here's my new song, Roadtrip."

Lights dimmed to an orangeish redish color.

"People change like the tides in the ocean
At least I think or am I dead wrong?
Foot on the brake, at the light I don't notice
I sit and wait until the next song"

"20 hours in an old van
Up the east coast, through the cold wind
Drove 20 hours by the ocean
Up the east coast, what a road trip"

He took a deep breath, letting all his emotions ride on the chorus.

"Now that interstate is paved with memories
Of a past life I lived when I was 18
And evеry winter, I think back to what we used to bе
In that past life we lived at 18"

The crowd became wild as he continued.

"Uh, I reminisce about a past life
Things change, I get it, 'cause nothing lasts right?
Yeah, and I was thinking 'bout her last night
Scrolling through our memories, debating 'bout our last times"

"Ay, for a minute, we was cool
Then we flew just a lil' too close to the sun
Now we finished, now we through
Guess we knew one day we would have to grow up"

"20 hours in an old Ford
Across the Midwest, thinking, what for?
Drove 20 hours, but it's hopeless
Across the Midwest, what a road trip"

"C'mon guys, sing this with me!" He whooped.

"Now that interstate is paved with memories
Of a past life I lived when I was 18
And every winter, I think back to what we used to be
In that past life we lived at 18"

Not one person in the crowd stayed silent as it all erupted into cheers and whoops and encouraging phrases.
Obviously, Dream didn't sing the entire song, PmBata was there too! It was all him for story purposes :)
Word Count: 834

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