Chapter 1

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NOTE: I did not make the whole story up, just affected it. I used Ai Dungeon to create it. Ai Dungeon is a text based game website where you create a world and type the things you do.

250 years ago

Sol was a peasant living in a small village in the colony of New York. He was going with a pitchfork to do work. But he dreamed of getting out of his village and having an adventure. He went to the fields and began working. He looked up and saw a large blue portal in the sky. Through it came a strange creature. It had six arms and three heads. In each head was an insect's eye.

"What are you?" Sol asked.

The creature looked down at him and it's three insect heads began to chant.

Sol watched as the creature chanted.

The creature put it's two front legs on its two lower bodies and began to chant louder and more frantically. Suddenly, a red aurora appeared above Sol's head.

He gasped.

Suddenly, the creature opened it's mouth and a red beam of light came out.

"A laser!" Sol yelled. "It's going to burn the fields to the ground!"

Sol ran towards the village as fast as he could. He arrived just in time to see a red beam coming from the creature's mouth and start burning through the field.

"Everyone run!" Sol yelled.

He took off running and the villagers followed. They ran for quite a while, but soon Sol realized that the creature was faster than them.

Sol threw his pitchfork at the creature.

He then ran over to a large wooden spoon and grabed a handful of dried peas. He threw them at the monster's eye as fast as he could. The creature let out an angry growl at him.

He pulled out his sword and swung it at the creature's body. Luckily, it was not armored and Sol hit it in the side. The creature let out a pained growl but did not stop advancing on him.

He fought the creature.

He swung his sword at the creature's front legs, damaging them. It let out a pained growl, but did not stop. Sol threw another handful of peas at it and then went back to running.

Sol called for help.

He ran in a random direction and hoped that somewhere he would run into some help. He cryed out for help several times, but there was no answer. He was on his own.

He decided to run to the forest, as it would provide a safer haven for his children (that he didn't have yet...). As he ran, he looked back at the village, which was now a mass of flames.

He looked for food.

He ran to the forest and saw several types of trees. He immediately grabed the largest tree he could find with his pitchfork. He then turned to see his family walking towards him, their eyes filled with terror.

"Is everyone here?" Sol asked.

He asked his family if they were alright. They then heard a cry from behind them.

"This is the last time you will ever see each other."

"Why is that?" Sol asked.

He turned and saw the insect creature standing there. It looked vaguely humanoid, but it's skin was all wrong.

"Why did you come here?" Sol asked.

The creature held up it's clawed hand and created a black portal. They could hear demonic singing coming from the portal.

"Stop!" Sol yelled.

He ran towards the portal, hoping to stop his family from going through it.

"No!" He yelled.

As he get closer, he could see his family screaming and begging for him not to go through it.

He stoped.

Sol stopped running towards the portal, creating a tiny gap between him and it. His family began screaming in desperation as the portal began to close.

Sol pulled his sister out of the portal, but it quickly began to close. He could hear your mother scream "No!" as the portal closes.

Sol told creature to release his family.

He ran towards the portal and begin hitting his hands against it, but it is closed to him.

"Let my family out!" He yelled uselessly.

The portal began to vibrate as it began to shake and shudder.

Sol told his sister to stay close.

He walked over to his sister and put his arm around her. He told her that it was going to be alright, but had have no idea if that was true.

1: Sol's Quest to SurviveWhere stories live. Discover now