Chapter 6

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A couple minutes later.

Sol woke up.

He walked up and down the street calling for his sister.

He saw a few peasants out and about but they avoided him like the plague. He called for his sister again but nobody had seen her.

He cried for a few minutes.

He walked up and down the street calling for his sister but nobody seemed to have seen her at all.

He felt so helpless and hopeless.

Sol asked where the soldiers went and why they took her but nobody seemed to know.

He was now very hungry and exhausted.

He noticed a house with an old man sitting on the stoop.

Sol asked for food.

The old man told him soldiers came by a few days ago and took all the food.

"They also threw a young boy's sister in front of the foxes. They ate her up good." The old man said.

Sol screamed in horror.

"Did the boy kill the foxes?" He asked.

"No he never did." The old man replied.

Sol walked up and down the street feeling even more hopeless.

He heard a few gunshots in the distance.

My sister is dead and I tried so hard to keep her safe... He thought.

He walked up and down the street screaming in rage and sorrow.

He began to feel faint and hunger hit him again.

Sol saw a few peasants out and about but they avoided him like the plague.

Sol ran toward gunshots enraged.

He ran and he heard a voice.

He turned around and began to run.

He heard the voice again.

He turned around and saw a group of soldiers armed with muskets and bayonets.

Sol asked the soldiers if they killed his sister.

They told him to go away.

He pulled out his pistol and began to shoot at them.

They fired back and Sol had a few close calls.

He killed all but one.

He trid to run but one soldier chased him down. He kicked Sol's gun out of his hand and began to choke him.

Sol punched the soldier in the face and grabed his gun off the ground.

He threatened the soldier.

"Where is my sister?" Sol demanded.

"Your sister is dead and you can't do anything about it." The soldier replied.

He began to laugh at Sol.

Sol pointed his gun at the soldier.

He backed off a bit but continued to laugh.

"Where did she die?" Sol asked, getting angry.

"The British burned down the manor house and killed all the people there. The peasants took her body that way." The soldier replied smugly.

Sol killed him enraged and went to find the body.

He walked down the street toward the peasant's village.

He heard a few gunshots in the distance.

He passed by some trees and saw some peasants burning a body on a pyre.

Is that my sister? Sol wondered worried.

He walked down the hill and saw a large crowd around the pyre.

They turned to look at Sol and cheered.

The body on the pyre was that of a young girl.

He looked to see if the girl was his sister.

He walked over to the crowd. They parted ways for him.

He saw the girl lying on the pyre. She looked so peaceful.

She looked like she was 16...

Sol's sister was dead.

1: Sol's Quest to SurviveWhere stories live. Discover now