Chapter 12

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That morning...?

"Hey wake up!"

Sol opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around and realized he was back in the bunker.

"Emma where are Dad and Peter?"

She appeared next to him, rubbing her eyes, looking confused.

"I'm sorry, I was dreaming about a big fluffy unicorn..." She said.

Sol laughed.

"Who were you talking about?" She asked.

"Oh I had a dream... I thought it was real..."

She smiled and huged him.

"It was just a dream, forget about it."

Sol noded, but his face said otherwise.

"Ok... What do you wanna do today?" He asked

Emma thought for a moment, then perked up.

"I know! Let's go find Dad, and if he has his new fishing rod with him, we can go catch some fish!"

"You know where your dad is?"

She nodded, and Sol just stared at her in disbelief.

"Let's go, then!" She said, excited.

As they left the bunker, Sol realized that the sun is high in the sky.

"We need to feed frost and make sure shes ok." He said, remembering the injured wolf.

"I'll go check on her, you get some fish." He said.

Emma nodded, and Sol ran back inside the bunker. He found Frost sleeping in her pen, curled up like a cat.

As he reached down to pet her, Sol realized she was in a bad way. She looked like she was half starved, and a few of the wounds on her back were open sores that were weeping pus.

He quickly tried to think of who he could call. Mom? Dad? A friend? Then he remembered: Victoria. She lived in a large house by the lake with lots of room.

He wraped Frost in a dishtowel to protect her, then grabed his iPhone and called Victoria.

It rung several times, before her voicemail messaging begins.

Of course... Sol thought. Victoria is probably asleep or just confused like always.

He decided to call Emma instead.

He quickly dialed Emma's number, and quickly started talking before it connected.

"Emma, please, I'm really worried about Frost! We need to get her help fast, I found her like this... Please, can you come over?!?"

He quickly ended the call as the phone beeped him out of credits. Sol cursed himself for not thinking before he hit end call, then prayed that Emma would call back.

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