Chapter 15

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A second later

"Emma! Where have you been?" Sol said, suprized.

"I've been here all night, what are you doing here?" Emma replied.

"Detective Miller asked me some questions."

"About last night?"

"Yes. Also, why did you punch me yesterday?" Sol really wanted the answer to this.

"You told the detective a bunch of stuff that wasn't true." She said.

"I did?"

"Well, in order to bowl you have to rev the ball up. I told him you had a crush on me."


"Then he asked me why I punched you, and I told him I did it because you lied."

"Oh..." Sol was still confused.

"I also told him that you stashed some drugs under the counter."

"Why would you say that??" Now Sol was really confused.

"The detective asked me a bunch of questions, and part of the questions was why I was in town. I didn't want him to think I was running from the police."

"Oh...okay then." Sol then thought of something. "Wait you are running from the police?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just got released from prison. they thought I killed my partner..."

"Oh...well i guess it's good you told me."

"So then why didn't you tell the detective?"

"I didn't know then."


"Well okay then I didn't think you killed him!" Sol was getting slightly worried now. "Or did you kill him? I had a dream and... Nevermind..."

"I didn't kill him if that's what you're trying to ask. I'm not an axe murderer." Emma replied sounding annoyed.

"Of course." Sol said quickly.

"Also the drugs weren't even my fault."

"I believe you. You ah well you tried to kill me when we first met but there were demons so..."

"I didn't kill him because I don't have that kind of relationship with my parnter."

"Of course." Sol said again. He debated whether or not he could trust Emma.

"Well you need to hide from the police though. Where will you go?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I have to leave the city." She replied.


"They're looking for a lifer, and they'll find me."

"Oh, well i have a spare room." Sol offered.

"What's wrong with the way I'm living?"

"Nothing, but your mother might not approve."

"Oh god, tell her that I'm staying at your place."

"Just come to my house for now. We'll run into the woods tomorrow with Frost. Plan?"


Sol walked with her to his house.

"Why were you in prison?"

"I killed my partner." She said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah." Sol said embarrassed.

"Yeah, pretty sure everyone knows that." Emma said slightly amused.

Sol opened the front door and walked into the foyer. Mrs. Motel was sitting in a recliner in the middle of the room.

"Hi mom Emma's staying with us tonight." Sol said.

She woke up and looked around.

"Wha...where are the kids?" She said. Then she saw Sol and Emma. "Who's this?"

"Just a friend from school." Sol said.


Sol went upstairs with Emma.

They went to his room.

"Do you have anything else you need to do?" He asked.

"No, not really." Emma replied.

Sol walked around his room, and then over to his dresser. He sat on the bed and exhaled slowly.

"Do you... have a boyfriend?" He asked finally.

"No." Emma replied.

"I thought maybe you did..." He said carefully.

"No... wait, yes! I have a boyfriend."

"Oh?" He sank slightly.

"We're going to the park tonight."

"That's nice..."

A long pause.

"Who is he?" Sol asked.

"His name is Connor. He's in my class." Emma said.

"What does he do for a living?"

Emma shrugs her shoulders.

"Well you'll never see him once we run away so..." Sol began.

"There's nothing stopping you from coming with us..." Emma said slightly amused.

"Yeah, I'll do that."

"Well have fun, and... try not to die, okay?"

Sol exhaled another slow breath, relieved. Then realized Emma had said "we". Was Connor coming with them?

"Should we sleep then? Run tomorrow?" Sol asked.

Emma nodded and shuffled over to the bed.

"Yeah, let's sleep."

Sol stood up from the bed and turned off the lights.

They went to sleep.

End of book one...

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