Chapter 13

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The next morning (for real this time)

Sol woke up.

He opened his eyes. He was in his bed, in his room. He blinked, before looking around. He was still in his pajamas

You looked around, before sitting up.

"Good thing that was a dream..." He said.

Sol got out of bed, and walked to the closet. He picked out some clothes, and got dressed, before walking down to breakfast. His dad was setting down his bowl of oatmeal.

Sol picked up his spoon, and shoveled the oatmeal in.

"So, how was your sleep?" His dad asked.

"Good. I had a wierd dream though. Emma had a head in her fridge!"

Sol's dad laughed. "Yeah, I remember that dream."

Sol shruged, slightly confused, and walked away.

"I'm going out, I'll see you later." He said.

His dad nodded, and Sol skiped out of the door.

He walked down the street, and brought Frost along for the walk.

"Ok, let's go this way." Sol said.

He took her around the block, and along the road leading away from his house.

"Stay!" Sol command, as he walked down the road.

Frost sat down obediently by his side, waiting patiently.

Sol sighed, pulling at a random hair.

Sol walked along the road, and he came to a crossroads. He paused, staring up at the road sign.

He looked around, before fixing his gaze on the house to the left. The house looked about half finished, and there were wooden pallets and various other building materials lying around the front yard.

"Follow me!" Sol said to frost.

He walked up to the half-finished house, and pressed his ear against the plywood facade. He heard muffled voices inside, whispering about the detective.

Sol pressed his ear against the plywood, and listened in. He heard laughter, then a man's voice. "I'm telling you, I just saw a ghost!" The man says.

A woman's voice laughed. "Yeah, and I'm not mooning the patrons!"

"If you were a ghost, would you make eye contact with me?"

The woman laughed again. "Probably not. No offense mate."

"None taken. I'm just a ghost, I don't have to make eye contact with strangers."

"So... You believe me then?" The woman asks.

"Well... Yeah." the man says.

"I'm glad. You always were a good brother."

You hear a kissing sound, then the man says "Bye sis."

"Bye Bro."

Suddenly Sol heard a creaking sound behind him, and he quickly turned around. He saw nothing, as the ghost girl appeared from who knows where.

Suddenly, Sol felt something hit his head.

He turned around in a flash, to see Emma standing behind him.

"What the- !?" Sol yelled.

Emma raised her fist back, and hit him in the face.

"Why are you punching me!?"

"I'm not the one who called me a liar!" she screamed.

"What just happened?" Sol said, confused.

"Don't act dumb with me!"

Emma leaped at him, and he steped aside. As she flew past him, Sol grabed her by the wrist.

"What are you doing?" He yelled.

Emma just bit his hand. He pulled it away in pain, as she leaped onto the road. She began to crawl along the road, dodging cars.

"No Emma come back!"

Sol pulled at her arm. She stopped moving, and looked at him.

"Come back to me!" Sol said, getting worried.

Suddenly Emma disappeared into the sky. Sol stood there for a moment in shock, before walking home in silence.

"Emma!" Sol said quietly as he got home.

He walked into the house as his mother turned from the stove.

"Oh, you're home!" She said.

Sol shruged, too tired to even respond. He walked upstairs, and fell into bed.

"Emma... Why did you do this..." Sol asked himself as he went to sleep.

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