mommy, date night and testing...

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If you haven't seen it already I changed the name and cover of the story. No longer is it called «loving the pain» its «love me like you do». What do you all think of the cover?

New seaniana video i made is linked with this chapter btw :)

-Ariana's POV-

So right now I'm at my LA home waiting for my mom to arrive. We haven't seen each other since our little family feud before I left for vacation. Sean is in Chicago but will be home in a couple of hours and we have a «date» tonight. Not really a «date» but we're planning on going to our spot and since its planned Im choosing to call it a date.

«Ariana sweetie?» my mom calls for me as she walks into our mansion

«In here mom!» I call out for her

She walks into the living room and spots me right away. We give each other a good hug before sitting down.

«Mom I'm sort...» I try to start before she cuts me off «no I'm sorry. Don't you dare say you're sorry you did nothing wrong bellisima. I was the one in the wrong for overreacting and me and Frankie both feel so bad for even thinking Sean would ever hurt you.»

«Its alright» I try to say before she cut me off again «its not okay sweetie. Thats why I'm apologizing, it was uncalled for and I should have trusted you. After all you're off legal age and its your body. Sure I'm not to existed to hear about your sexlife but no mother would be. It means their little baby its a little baby anymore. She is a grown woman»

Leaning over I wrap her into a tight hug «i love you mama. And as I said its alright because you apologized. Everyone makes mistakes, we just need to move past it.»

**** LATER ****

Sean texted me to meet him at «our spot» that he would go straight from the airport and have Zeno drop him off. The entire ride over I felt kinda... kinda... dizzy in a way... my body is acting all kinds of ways latterly and I really don't know what to do. Its all so confusing and I want to know if something is wrong. But on the other hand I really don't want to know whats wrong cause it will possibly change everything.

Arriving at the park/pound thing that we named «our spot». I don't know why we called it that, guess it just holds a lot of memories?. Anyhow I find it cute that we have a «spot».

Wile I walk towards the part that is the spot I think about my job. Like I'm going on tour but am I going to do new music this year? I hope they will allow me to put out another album. Its important especially as a fairly new artist to have material kinda «constantly» come out. If you know what I mean? Like if I suddenly stop to take some time to just tour chances are that my like «fame» will slip away and they will move on to someone else? Not that I'm actually really scared of that but its something I've always gotta keep in mind. That I need to keep upping my game all the time. For sure a lot of pressure huh?

After two minutes of walking I reach where the swans are and I see Sean there already waiting for me, but he hasn't seen me yet. Sneaking up behind him I wrap my arms around him from behind «hi there love» I say cheerfully

Caughing him of guard I kinda jumps back as if I attacked him or something before he realizes its me and pulls me into a tight hug. Usually this is the best feeling but it hurts when he press agaings my stomach, like it really hurt. My immediate reflex is to flinch in pain which he caught onto right away so he loosened his grip.

«whats wrong?» the look in his eyes are all worry

«No it just hurt, I don't low why but it just did. Im not feeling too good tonight to be honest. Was dizzy the drive here. Im sure its nothing maybe Im just getting the flu or something? Im okay tho its nothing. Don't worry about it» I try talking my way out of the subject as its not something I really want to talk about. I just don't want to worry him without knowing if something is actually wrong or not.


We cut our date short as I'm just not feeling good and Sean could sense it on me but didn't say much about it. The only reason I know is that worry was written over his face for most of the time.

The question I keep asking myself time and time again is how long can I go without actually finding out whats going on with my body. I know sooner or later I need to figure it out and I really don't think I can wait any longer.


I spend the night wrapped up in Sean's arms in bed. His embrace is so warm and comforting, safe.

As the sun hits my skin I can feel his lips press up agaings my cheek «I haft to go now baby gotta work. I'll se you later. Love you» quickly he peeks my lips and I manage to say «i love you too» before he walk out the door.

Sitting up in bed I reach for my phone. Its just getting to much for me to handle and I really need to just know if I really am what I'm suspecting.... If I am I don't know what I will do. Do I want to be a mom? Yes, eventually. But do I want to be a mom now? No, I don't feel like I'm ready for that.

So I send a text to Sasha.

Ariana - I know its early but I need your help. Can you go get a pregnancy test and come to my house?

I kinda hesitated but I did press send. Almost immediately she replied

Sasha - oh my.... I'll be there as soon as I can, promise. Gonna go get a test right away.

There is no turning back now. Thats one of the reasons I asked Sasha as I know she wouldn't let me not take the test once I even said the word «pregnancy».


About an half hour later I can hear Sasha practically running up to my room closing my bedroom door behind her. She darts over to where I'm sitting on the bed with my head in my hands and wraps me in a tight hug. «No matter what it will be okay»

I look up at her «maybe we don't need to take it today? Maybe in a couple days instead?» now I really don't want to do this after all. What would it hurt to wait a little longer?

She rolled her eyes at me «miss thing, you're going to take that test. If you don't I will make you. Its important cause if you are you need to make sure the child is okay and healthy. But if you're not you need to see a doctor cause something is wrong. Have you told Sean?»

Panic strikes me as she mentions Sean but I keep control «no I haven't told him. I just..... I just cant.. Atleast not before I know for sure.»

«Then lets find out then» she hands me a test and motions for me to go to the bathroom. «But..» I try to start but she just glares me down leaving me with no choice.

So I do the thing where you haft to pee on the stick and put it on a paper towel In the counter before I wash my hands. Silent tears where rolling down my face, and questions where flowing around. This just cant be happening.

I walk out and sit down facing Sasha on the bed «if it says positive what are you going to do Ariana?»

«I don't know. Haft to wait and see what the doctor says I guess. All I know is that Im scared to death right now»

5minutes passed but it felt like hours «the test is done» Sasha looks kinda worried.

«Can you look Sasha? I just cant do it»

She nods and goes to get the test. Her face as she approaches me doesn't give me anything to go on «Ariana it says that --


What does the test say and how will Ariana react? Will she be happy or get sad? Will she tell Sean?

I update every:

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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl Christinaasland (link can be found in my bio at twitter)

Tumblr: 1999christina

-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now