morning breakdowns important mail and hiding it from Ariana!

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-Ariana's POV-

"Baby girl"

Someone was lightly tracing patterns on my arm

"Time to get up baby. We haft to get ready for the celebration of life."

Defiantly Sean as it sounds like him, and he kissed my shoulder and no one else would be allowed to do that.

Grunting slightly I turn around burrowing my head into his chest "no I don't want to" I managed to mumble out

Running his hands trough my long brown/blond ish hair he says, "we haft to baby girl. I know it will be hard for you but I will be there for you the whole time holding you"


"Promise" kissing my temple we got up and got dressed.

I wore a simple black little over knee high dress. It was body hugging and V-necked. Paired with black pumps. My hair straightened half up half down, but less dramatic than I usually do it. Lastly my makeup was just light soft, just like an everyday look for me.

Decided last night that I was going for just a plane simple look not wanting to really pull any attention.

Sean wore a white shirt, with a black tux pant, a black tux jacked paired with black shoes. Looking as classy and handsome as ever.

(A/N basically just like the picture they posted)

We got ready in about an hour or so before we walked hand in hand downstairs.

Mommy, Frankie and Nona was setting the table for breakfast all dressed for the celebration of life.

Even tho it isn't a funeral it still kinda is in a way to. So we all where black, that's just how we do it.

(A/N honestly have no knowledge how to dress "appropriate" for that kind of event so I'm going to stick with the black ensemble)

"Ah you two are up! Morning! Breakfast is ready come sit down" Nona came up to us greeting us with kisses

"Thanks Nona" we both said in unison

Sitting down with Sean besides me I start eating some kale. Not much and I'm really just picking in it, not really in the mood to eat.

"Ariana sweetheart you haft to eat something. Not eating wont help anybody and you're hypoglycemic wont be happy about it either" mommy looked concerned same as Nona, Sean and Frankie but they didn't say anything.

A couple tears slid down my face and I could feel more coming.

"I'm sorry I need to go" standing up quickly I leave the room and walked into our movie theater room.

Now the water work came. Tears flowed down my face, and the doubt if I could get trough this was stronger than before

Not for long was I in here alone, only about a minute after Sean appeared in front of me. Kneeling down so we where at eyesight.

"Hey baby girl, can you tell me what have upset you? I know you're upset about your grandpa but is there anything specific that trigged it now? Hmm?" lightly pulling my hair behind my ear "I want to help you in any way that I can but I cant do anything if you don't tell me"

Throwing my arms around his neck he holds me close as I sob into his neck "he is gone... he is gone.... I can't say goodbye... I cant!" I cried over and over again

"Let it all out, it all needs to come out. I'm here... I'm here"

-Joan's POV-

Sean didn't close the door into the movie teacher entirely so we can see what's going on in there. She is crying into his chest and his arms are wrapped protectively around her.

"I haft to say. I'm really happy she has found him. He truly loves her for more than her money or that she is pretty. He actually wants what's best for her. Jai was never like that; he never really cared for her on that level. Only was here for the good times but never when she actually needed him to be here." I say as I hold hands with Nona, and my arm around Frankie's shoulders.

"He truly is a blessing. For once in her life someone other than us is actually there to take care of her. Sure she got her friends but that's not the same thing cause they have their own lives too. I'm really happy he is always there when she needs him and she doesn't haft to baby sit jai anymore. It wasn't even like a relationship it was more like baby sitting." The end of Frankie's statement made Nona chuckle and me as we watch Sean and Ariana interact.

Ariana was crying into his chest, and he was suturing her. It's truly a beautiful sight to see. If she was still with jai, this situation would be too much for us to handle. He couldn't take care of her ever.

My phone made a sound indicating I have a new mail. What on earth could anybody want on a day like this? My company know what's going on and that I need to be with my family. Really unsure I reach for my phone an open the mail. Omg....

To Ariana Grande guardian Joan Grande

From Attorney Jill Evans from Hollywood-LA attorneys

(A/N idk the name of an attorney or a place where they are so I'm going to pretend this is real)

Mrs. Grande we at "Hollywood-LA attorneys" decided it was best to give you this information before informing miss Grande herself considering you're her guardian.

A court day is set for December 4th in la court if that's what Ariana wants. We need to have a meeting with her, you and her manager to figure out what she wants to do.

Regardless if she wants to do anything else they will get a cash punishment that we don't know the sum of yet.

Things like restraining orders, visa exspellment, and sites taken down is all things we could potentially do.

We would like to recommend a restraining order at least and a public apology so this whole thing can't be twisted and backfire at your daughter since she is in the public eye. A restraining order would be on Ariana herself her closest family and her partner. It will also include that they can't contact her team or people who work for Ariana as long as they work for her. This will be tricky in some settings considering they're all one way or another in the entertainment industry.

It's all up to Miss Grande what she wants to do. A solution like just a big pay punishment and public apology is also an option. This is also a recommended one.

We at Hollywood-LA attorneys are all sending you and your family love in this tough time and is locking forwards to see you all soon. We leave it up to you to tell your daughter in the way that you think will be best for her. Contact us as soon as you know when we can set up a meeting.

- Jill Evans - Hollywood-LA attorneys

That's quite a lot information to take in at once! Both Frankie and Nona have been reading the Mail over my shoulder along with me.

"Guys not a word to Ariana about this. We wait until she gets back from the Europe is that clear? I will inform her managers and publicist so they know what's going on and that she doesn't know. Will also inform Sean so he is aware too." I say sternly to them both

Grabbing my planner that's laying on the bench behind me I look for when ill see Ariana again and when it will be best to tell her.

"Lets see. She is leaving for Glasgow tonight, the EMA's is on Sunday. Then she is going to berlin, then Amsterdam before going on a one day trip to NYC before she is heading back to LA for 4 days of rehearsals and then the AMA's. mm how about I go back with her to LA she has four days there so that's enough time to tell her and do the meeting."

I look at Frankie and Nona who is nodding in agreement. "Now all we haft to do. And that's a tricky part. Get Sean alone to tell him. Because I have a feeling him and Ariana is going to be glued to one another until she leaves"


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl

-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now