nice and slow - mature readers only!!

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WARNING! If you're not mature please be careful with reading this chapter. I'm not going to put an age because that's just stupid considering people mature differently. I'm not going to say you cant read this chapter no matter what really. I'm just going to warn you all.

Anyhow have a great read tho ;)


Suggest listening to

"Nice and slow" - Usher

Wile reading this.

I was wile writing it

-Ariana's POV-

A shy innocent smile crept up on my lips "I want you to make love to me"

"Yeah? Nice and slow?" he smiled

"Nice and slow" pressing his soft tender lips down on mine again he carefully lead me closer to the bed but we didn't lay down just yet.

His hands slowly made their way down my waist towards the hem of my shirt. Looking me in the eyes he slowly and sensually lifted it over my head, reconnecting our lips right away.

Our movements where slow and tender. Not rushed, as a lot of people tend to get. We had all the time in the world no rush.

Slowly I stroke my hands down his abs to his belt buckle, un-buckling it wile his lips went to my neck making a slight moan escape my lips

He found my sweet spot sucking on it, making an even louder moan

"Sean" I moaned out

"Yeah you like that baby girl?" he said in-between kissing and sucking on my neck


Wile he was occupied with my neck my hands found their way down to his pants again. Slipping my hands in down his butt making the pants fall to the floor.

This also made me feel his hard on even better pressed against me just like the rest of his body.

When his lips found their way back up to my lips his hands traveled down from my waist to the waistband on my yoga pants.

He kissed down my chest going all down taking of my yoga pants. But he did stop kissing right when he reached the waistband on my panties.

Seconds later he was back up leaving me in only my matching VS black lace set.

Carefully he laid me down on the bed getting on top of me, but making sure my legs where still closed.

Reached behind me wile we kissed, our tongues dancing together, he unclasped my bra. Taking it all the way of before tossing it somewhere.

I reach down to the waistband of his boxers but he pulls away "ah a, miss not yet" causing me to giggle.

(A/N again I warn you if you aren't "mature" I'm not kidding.)

Sliding down my body kissing down my breasts and stomach he reaches my panties slipping his fingers in the waistband, hocking it around his wrist, slowly sensually taking them of.

Now I'm totally naked, 100%. I feel a bit insecure but there is something about Sean that makes me feel safe, loved.

He traced kisses up the inside of my thigh stopping right before he reached my area, looking up at me for approval "can I?"

I didn't say anything just nodded with a little smile making him smile as well.

Felling his lips on my Area made me let out a rather loud moan, arching my back. His finger found its way inside me to test how wet I was.

Pumping me for a good minute before pulling up, licking his finger clean and moving up my body kissing me again.

Wile we kissed he reached down spreading my legs, getting between them.

Pulling away from the kiss we look into each others eyes

"I love you Ariana," he says.

That caught me of guard slightly for a second, considering we haven't said those words yet

"I love you too Sean" pressing my lips back on his my hands tracing his back.

His hand went down south to line up with my entrance. The tip brushed my core.

Teasing me like that for a good minute wile we kissed before he pulled away from the kiss, looking into my eyes as he slowly sensually pushed inside of me.

It hurt like a bitch cause he was a lot bigger than I've ever had inside of me. From the look on my face I know he could see it hurt so he stopped dead in his track "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Do you want to stop?" his eyes where filled with worry and concern.

I smiled slightly; at least I tried "its okay. I'm okay, just need a second to adjust" he kissed my temple and wiped the tear under my eye away.

(A/N btw I forgot to put it in but he did put on a condom)

After a few seconds of adjusting he started going slow, and it started to feel good.

We went at it nice and slowly, sensually for about a good 30-45minutes before I could feel I was getting close to the edge

"Sean" I moaned out "I'm close" wimping

"Mm, come for me baby" his lips where on mine, his finger lightly running over my area helping me wile he was going in and out hitting my spot every time

I let out a big moan and moaned out "Sean" when I come. A few thrusts later wile I was riding out my high he came with a moan too.

He rolled over so I was laying on his chest, him still inside of me might I add, holding me close kissing my head.

"I love you so much baby girl. I know I said that earlier but its still true. So I just want to make sure you know that I mean it." Once more he kissed my head

"And I meant what I said, I love you too. So, so much so" kissing his chest.

After a few seconds, actually more like a good minute or two in silence I got of him and laid besides him instead.

"So not to be a buzz kill but we should go take a shower before we go out to dinner with everyone later. And by later I mean like 1hour and 30min" I snugged up close to him and he turned around facing me

"Probably a good idea considering we both probably smells like sex... so take a shower with me?" he wiggled his eyebrows

I giggled "for sure"

He picked me up still naked and carried me to the bathroom. Haven't gotten a chance to really look yet but now I see how big he really is. And I mean big! No wonder why that hurt. But I'm sure it'll get better in time tho


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl

-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now