mornings almost getting caught and meeting mom

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. My spell check is really acting up latterly so just bare with me please. Thank you :)

WARNING: this whole chapter is really smut. Not all but a lot of it so I'm just letting you all know that if you aren't «mature» be cearfull with reading parts of this chapter please

-Ariana's POV-

My eyes flutter open when I feel the sun hit my bare skin. Pressed up agaings me from behind in the man I love more than anyone, and he is still fast asleep after last nights events. We're both still naked as after hours and hours with amazing love making last night we just drifted to sleep.

His strong arms are draped protectively around my naked waist locking me in his embrace. Not that I mind, being close to him is the best feeling I can feel. Well one of them... its a metaphor okay! Anyhow I don't intend on moving anytime soon. All I want to do is to lay here quietly until he wakes up.

I can feel every inch of his body thats pressed up agaings my back, every part of his anatomy. Including the one thats pressed up agaings my ass.

Did I mention I have the day off today? So I'm intending on spending it with Sean obviously. Preferably naked, but I will haft to ask him about that when he wakes up.

His arms loosen slightly around me and he uses one of his arms to turn us both around so I was now laying flat on his chest under the covers. Obviously he is awake «morning beautiful» with one of his fingers he pushed my hair behind my ear.

Speaking of my hair btw its a mess. I don't even want to look in the mirror later. Sex hair deluxe. But I don't care. It was for sure worth it.

«Morning handsome» I moaned him slightly making us both laugh. Once again his arms draped protectively around me pressing me closer to him

After last night my body feel amazing. He took me far beyond cloud nine, making me feel things I didn't know was possible. We have always had good sex but nothing like this. It was like there is a whole new case of openness between us. Like a «burden» per say was lifted off our relationship and we got to just be us again.

Looking into his eyes I lean down giving him a quick but loving kiss. «Last night was amazing baby. You took me beyond cloud nine» I say as I kiss his forehead too. He smirks at me «really? Well I'm happy I satisfied you my love, thats always my goal. And I haft to say I think that might be the best sex we have had.»

«I second that trough»

Reaching to the hem of the cover thats covering us he pulls it off us and I chuckle «what did you do that for?» and a sly grin spreads across his lips «i just wanted to look at you. Because you are so beautiful as one can be.» making me blush hard «oh you mush!»

«Takes one to know one» he mocks right back at me.

His hands wonder down my back to my ass giving it a good squeeze making me moan slightly before his hands traveled down to my thighs spreading them so they where now straddling him.

Quickly I get out of bed and look at his naked body biting my lip. Raising my eyebrows at him I turn around and walk downstairs still naked might I add. Not far behind me I can hear footsteps coming and they're coming fast. Not running fast but a fast walk fast. Sean is clearly not pleased with me teasing him like that.

Going into the kitchen I stop and waited for a second until I felt a presence pressing up agaings me from behind. His breath where on my neck and it took everything I have to suppress a moan. «You know. That wasn't nice of you. I think you should make it up to me» he whispered in his raspy morning voice right into my ear sending sparks throughout my body.

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now