home, talking, studio, rumors and unexpected visitors...

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Have a couple chapters stocked up so decided to give you all one fore before 2015. Who knows maybe ill post another one too ;)

-Ariana's POV-

Its quiet outside my mansion in LA when I pull up. I know my mother is inside, and some of my friends who live with me. But who I hope is there more than anyone else is Sean. Im dying to see him! I just want to talk things over, 'kiss and make up' as they say and go back to be happy in love.

Thinking about it its kinda a good thing in a way that this came up now. Just cause this shows we can handle situations lie these especially as I'm going on tour next year. Thats going to be a hard one...

Walking inside the house I'm followed by my assistant Christine who is going back and forth to the car, getting all my luggage inside.

Its quiet inside too but I can hear sounds coming from the living room. I can hear the voices of my mother and Sean watching TV. Walking up to the doorframe that leads into the room I just stand there watching them interact. Leaning on the doorframe the floorboard make a sound and they both turn towards me. Sean's eyes lit up like a lightning and he immediately stand up. My mom stands up too with a loving look on her face.

«Im home» I giggle

Half running towards them I run into Sean's arms and he wrap me in a tight embrace. Burrowing my head into his chest he kiss the top of my head «hi baby girl» he half whisper into my ear as he holds me close. Pulling away slowly I wrap my arms around his neck standing on my tiptoes leaning up to kiss him. The kiss lasts for a couple seconds, not something steamy considering my mother is standing right next to us.

Un wrapping our arms from each other I hug my mom «hi mommy» she chuckles «hi sweetheart! Im gonna go help Christine unpack» she kisses my head before walking out of the room

Smiling big up at Sean I wrap my arms around him once again «I've missed you so much» looking in his eyes I peek his lips.

«Ive missed you too baby girl. And I tend on begin all mushy and affectionate with you all week you're here. But before that we need to talk about whats going on in that pretty head on your eh?» nodding I unwrap from him and sit down on the couch pulling my legs up under me.

Sean sits down besides me but we are siting so we are facing each other. Laying a hand on my thigh sending sparks trough my body he speaks «first of all I'm going to say I'm happy that you told me how you where felling because I cant do anything if you didn't. Im really happy we can be that open with each other.»

Smiling at him I say «me too»

Rubbing my knee he continues «you're not asking for too much I should have texted you I know that, and I'm really sorry I didn't. That I was working is no excuse for making you upset. And I should know better cause I know you better than that. But I'm not cheating on you tho. I would never. Im not going to hide that I did once back in the day on my first girlfriend. I did. Im not going to hide that for you. But I learned my lesson and would never want to cause you that much pain. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Its not something I'm proud of just know I would never cheat on you.»

I didm't know he cheated before. Im happy he told me tho that means he trusts me.

Pushing my hair behind my ear with his long fingers he continues to talk «I'm not breaking up with you either. I wouldn't do that. I want to be with you forever. And I don't mean that In a cheesy way and its not something I'm just saying. Ive been in love before but nothing like this ever. You're my soul mate. I remember the first time I meet you years ago I had the biggest crush on you, but I didn't dare to do anything about it because I was scared that you where the girl I could never have if you know what I mean?»

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now