traveling rehersing and texting

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Yes I know this is short don't kill me! Im still pretty exhausted. But also I just got a new writing program. So I'm currently putting this whole document into it and editing so I have all the caracter info and everything. It will take me some time but it will be worth it as it will make writing easier. So please bear with me :)


-Ariana's POV-

currently I'm sitting at the airport vip room thing. Basically it's a room dedicated to "important" people so they don't get mobbed. Anyhow I'm sitting cross legged on a couch under a Victoria's Secret blanket.

Everyone else Is engaging in games and stuff but I'm really not feeling it. All I want is to get on the plane so I can sleep.

"why are you so sad Ari? Anything wrong?" Jones kneeled down in front of me with a concerned look spread all over his face.

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know honestly. I'm just sad Sean isn't here to be honest. But I got to shake it off cant act like this all trip that wont be productive. Its just strange to not have either mommy or Frankie here too. It will take some time getting used too I guess." Smiling weakly

(A/N see what I did up there in what Ariana said? Slick and all :P)

"you'll be fine. We are all here with you and we will only be gone a week." Patting my head.

Scooter comes back to where I'm sitting "time to board the plane queen Ariana" a smirk appeared on his face.

Standing up I bundle my blanket under my arm taking my purse in the other as my carry on already was on the jet "lets go then"

We all get into the jet with ease. I sit down in one of the big comfy chairs and cuddle up with my blanket before I quickly slip into a deep sleep all before we even took off into the air.


"Ariana" someone was lightly shaking me "Ariana we are in Scotland"

slowly I opened my eyes and yawned. "did I sleep the whole flight?"

scooter was standing over me "you did but it was much needed. We haft to go straight to the venue for rehearsal"


"This is the part when I say I don't want ya

I'm stronger than I've been before

This is the part when I break free

'Cause I can't resist it no more"

I belt out the last line at rehearsal. Tomorrow I'm opening the friging EMA's! that's big! The only thing is that I'm sad I wont make it to Frankie's 'rock of ages' opening on Broadway. He has always been there for me so being able to be there for him too would mean everything but sadly you can't always get what you want.

(A/N just shameless Rolling Stones reference. I need to stop. Two in one chapter like.... Anyhow continue reading on)

"that's it for tonight Ariana. You can go back to your dressing room and we're leaving in an hour" Scooter said over the mic from the sound station thing.

Smiling I quickly walk back to my dressing room and slouch down on the couch getting on my phone.

Ariana - hi baby. Just done with rehearsals. Whatcha up to? Hope I aint disturbing you in anything.

I started to text Sean before I went on twitter

@ArianaGrande: just finished rehearsing for the EMA's tomorrow! Cant wait! #EMA #Glasgow

looking trough my mentions I see things I really don't want to see. A lot of people are "concerned" about my weight and "concerned" about my relationship also the Diva rumors is back like get over it already. Anyone with a brain can understand how those Diva rumors is far from the truth.

Shaking my head I quickly get out of the Twitter app not letting it get to me. As I do this I get a text.

Sean- hi baby girl! Im recording atm. Like I said earlier you don't disturb me. Get some rest before you go back to the Hotel. I love you baby :) call me before you go to bed tho

Here is the thing. He says he isn't busy but he is recording. A weird felling get in the pit of my stomach..

Ariana - Oh.. Okay. Have fun recording :) love you too <3

Putting my phone down I lay down on the couch. Closing my eyes I think about not begin there with Sean right now, and not seeing Frankie's opening.. A couple tears slide down my face as I slip into a light slumber.


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl

-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now