talking with lawyer and dinner date getting crashed (important A/N at top)

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HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU ALL! Sry I haven't been updating. Im really not supposed to do so now either as I'm sick (ugh) and dealing with some stuff personally. But I decided to give you all something atleast so this is something I started before I go sick. Its not 100% finished really but decided to post it regardless. Idk when next update will be but I thank you all for being patient with me :)

Btw the youtube video i made is now out! Go cheek it out! It's linked with this chapter :)

so sorry in advance of any spelling or grammar mistakes. Did cheek the document as I always do but not to easy to detect too much right now. So anyhow. Hope you all enjoy it.

-Ariana's POV-

«Ariana you ready?» Sean says from outside the bathroom. Currently I'm getting ready for the meeting with the Attorney. Im dressed in somewhat normal clothes but a little more formal. Wine red skinny jeans and a black flannel shirt with a grey cardigan. All paired with a pair of Black pumps, my hair down and not too much makeup just the right amount.

Talking a deep breath I grab my phone which is laying on the counter top and walk out the bathroom door. «Im ready» smiling slightly at Sean who is sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me.

«Good. Scooter and your mother is meeting us there» he walk up to me and kiss my head before grabbing my hand.

As we walk out the door towards the car he says «you look beautiful btw» making me blush

** At the attorney company**

My hands is shaky as we walk inside and see my mom and Scooter talking to someone I assume Jill Evans. Gripping Sean's hand tight we walk up to them.

The woman smiles at me and stretch her hand out for me to shake «Jill Evans»

I shake her hand «Ariana Grande» «nice to meet you miss Grande»

Turning her attention towards Sean she stretches her hand towards him too «Jill Evans»

«Sean Anderson» he says as he shakes her hand.

She pull away and gestures towards one of the rooms «why don't we go into my office for some privacy»

Her office is big and mostly wood. It looks just like the once you see in movies and stuff. Sitting down on the couch Sean sits besides me and my mother besides him again. Scooter sits on a chair besides the couch.

Jill grabs a note pad and a pen before sitting down in a chair in front of the table in front of us. «Now. We all know why you all are here I assume. To discuss the matter of your situation Miss Grande. What you would want the outcome to be. I don't know if you've given it much trough?»

Sitting straight I think about what I said yesterday and say the same exact thing «i think that I just want the part with the pay punishment as thats not avoidable and the public apology. But I don't want it to be like something where everyone knows every detail what is going on. Maybe a tweaked restraining order because it will only create some trouble for me too with a regular one. We could do one that doesn't count at award shows and events and stuff like that. But like only in private time. If we even do one at all. Or we could do one where they are not allowed to talk about me or anyone close to me in media or anywhere public. I think that may be the smartest one but idk.»

As I was speaking she was writing every word down on her notepad. «I think what you've come up with is a smart idea. I will haft to talk with the judge but Im sure those tweaks can be made but I think we should do both tweaks. Im assuming you have some people you want included in this tho. Because if we just left it at that they could push it on your mother or significant other. Do you have any certain people it would be smart to apply it too?»

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now