happy to sad & hit on and pregnant?

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-Ariana's POV-

Taking Sean's hand after we took a shower and got ready for dinner we walked downstairs.

Walking into the living room everyone else was there, and by the looks of it they where all waiting for us. Ups? Jones, Brian, Scott, mommy, Frankie, Nona, Sasha and Zach (the other half of zankie from BB)

They where all looking at us, some even staring us down with a smirk on their faces.

"So are you two done with your adulteries so we can go eat?" Frankie asked with sass in his voice

Redness flushed up in my cheeks making me blush so hard. Oh no! They heard! "Oh, shush" I stuttered out but still clear enough for them all to hear

"Frankie! Don't do that to your sister. Now come you all the van is outside ready to take us to the restaurant!" my mom saved me. Thank you mommy!

Still gripping Sean's hand tightly we walk outside to the van and get in first. We sit all the way in the back, and I sit in Sean's lap

The whole ride to the restaurant was rather quiet actually. We where all taking but with like one or two other people so it didn't make a lot of noise.

I was cuddled up against Sean's chest half asleep, still pretty tired from the "events" earlier today. Kind of soar too to be honest.

"You tired?" he had his arms wrapped around me protectively

"Yeah, kind of --- soar too" said the last part rather quiet, didn't need everyone to know what we where up too. Well I think they already know, but I'm still going to pretend they don't.

He loosened one of his hands and massaged my thigh for a second before wrapping the arm back around me "I'm sorry love. Wish I could help but I don't think there is anything I can do. Except for the tired stuff tho you can go to sleep in the van on the way home, and I'll carry you upstairs when we get back"

"It will be over by tomorrow I'm sure, its just --- you know--- I don't need to say it really--- so yeah.... But I'm going to take you up on that offer on sleeping on the way home" I yawned

Shortly later we arrived to the restaurant, Sean held my hand-walking in. there was paparazzi outside witch is so annoying and scary but he held me close relaxing me.

"Its okay baby girl" he kissed my temple as soon as we got in, rubbing my back making me relax and the tension going away.

A waiter around my age appears to guide us over to the table. It's a reserved table in a back room for privacy. The boy who judging by his name tags name is Simon is for sure looking me up and down with dark eyes filled with lust.

Sean was fast to notice he was looking at me, and how uncomfortable I was so he wrapped his arm around my waist holding me close, protecting me as we walked to the table

"Jealous someone is going to steel your girl Sean?" Frankie come close and whisper in our ear from behind.

"Not that guy he seems like a creep, but he is making her uncomfortable" Sean smiled back at Frankie

Frankie clapped him on his shoulder as we get where the table is.

"So here is the table, you guys settle down and I'll be back to take your orders" then Simon the waiter left us here alone

I sat down with Sean on one side and Sasha on the other and picked up the menu that was on my plate.

"I'm really tired and kinda nocuous so I'm only going get a kale salad and some water. Keeping it light" I said when Sasha asked me what I was getting

She looked me up and down for a second with a questioning look on her face "nocuous? You're not pregnant are you?" she said a little too loud so everyone's head snapped in my direction.

Lightly but playfully I 'slapped' her in the back of the head "no I'm not pregnant miss thing! Relax everyone I'm not pregnant" I waved my hands up in the air to make a point. Don't know why but I felt like that would help.... It probably didn't but eh.

"You sure?" my mom looks at me with stern eyes, then at Sean, before back at me again

" Positive!" now it was starting to get uncomfortable "can we not talk about this, and figure out what where ordering instead?" trying to talk my way out of that convo

"Oh you're so prego! You're trying to talk your way out of it!" Frankie states as a matter of fact.

"Why you trying to hide it?"

"You can tell us Ariana"

"We wont tell just please?"

I put my head in my hands on the table and let out a big sigh "but I'm not" I wimp out. Hurt by the fact they ever think I would hide that from them.

Standing up I grab my phone from the table "I lost my appetite"

Sean is about to get up to leave with me when I stop him "no don't. Stay here with them I just want to be alone right now"

Right away I could tell he was hurt, but so was I! But to let him know it wasn't him I kissed his cheek before I walked out, no one said a word.

A single tear rolled down my face as I stood in the entrance waiting for the van driver to drive the van up front. It would come back for the others later.

The waiter Simon walked up to me "hey you're alright there? Can I help with something?"

Whipping the tears away I turned too him "no-well I guess I'm fine --- I ---- I honestly don't know. But what I do know is that I need to go. Sorry"

As I was walking towards the door he rushed up to me "wait can I get your number, or can I give you mine." He seemed so desperate

"Sry no. I have a boyfriend"

"I'm sure I'm better. I think I'm in love with you" is this dude crazy?

"Listen I'm not in a good mood right now. And I love my boyfriend much so. Besides we have barley spoken a couple sentences to each other" Now I'm pissed of at this dude who thinks he has a shot at me "so please leave me alone. I don't want to or mean to be rude but I have important stuff to deal with. Like a multi million brand that is my name to keep up, and I only have a couple days of. So I want to get home so I can calm down"

I'm not even going to bother listening to his answer and now that I see the van outside I quickly get outside and into the van.

Can this night get any worse! It started of on a good note, making love to my boyfriend. Saying those three little words, so little but so meaningful. Now I'm being accused of being pregnant which I'm positive I'm not, I'm not joking I really aren't. And on top of it all some stranger is hitting on me! I cant even anymore!


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl

-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now