a broken heart

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-Ariana´s POV-

Tears flow down my face as I look down on my phone. There is a simple two-line text, but it’s the picture attached to it that made it worse.

Luke brooks: just thought you should know … I’m so sorry

The picture attached to it was of jai in a full on make out session with a girl, his hand in her pants the other up her shirt.

More tears flowed down my face and the sobbing had started. I threw my phone across my childhood bedroom floor and it smashed into the wall. It was probably pretty beaten up but I didn’t care.

How could he?

 Did I do something wrong?

As a lay on the floor now curled up into a ball bawling hysterically, almost catching a panic attack I can hear someone run up the stairs.

“Ariana are you okay?  What’s going on?” it was mommy

She hurried into the room and wrapped her arms around me lifting my head up so it was now in her lap. “Ariana sweetie, please don’t cry. What’s wrong? Are you crying cause of grandpa?”

(A/N this was 2days after grandpa Grande passed)

“Jai…. Jai….. Jai cheated on me” I sobbed into mommy’s chest. “Luke sent me a picture.”

My whole body was shaking and mommy pulled me closer to her chest. “oh baby girl. I´m so, so sorry this happened again” she kissed my head and stroke her hand over my head.

“what do I do mommy? I don’t know what to do” I sobbed some more before I once again gained control.

“I know you don’t want to hear this Ariana but you will haft to end it.” I started to sob once again “I know, I know sweetie, but you can´t let him do this to you again. He has already done it to you once and he will do it again if you keep taking him back. You haft to let go baby girl, for your own good”

While she was talking I was getting really worn out, sleepy almost from all the sobbing, bawling and hyperventilation. So mommy lifted me up and carried me over to the bed laying me down under the covers “you rest baby girl for a bit while I go make you something to eat. Yeah? And then ill be here with you when you contact him if you want me too. You don’t haft to do this alone Ariana.” She stroke my hair.

“I love you mommy but this is a call I want to take on my own” a tear rolled down my face, but she wiped it away  “key. Ill be downstairs making you some food. Come down when you´re finished and we´ll watch movies in the movie room ah? We also haft to watch the BB life feed later, CBS gave me the time they are going to give Frankie out leather”. She kissed my head once more before she walked downstairs.

After taking a couple deep breaths I walk over and get my phone before I sit down at the window bench on the other side of my room. After curling my legs up and leaning against the wall I dial the number I really don’t want to right now, but I know I haft to.

J – hallo?

A – hi jai..


He cut me of

J – oh hi baby how´s it going?

A – jai look we need to talk.

J – about what is something wrong?

A -  a lot of things is wrong…

J – baby you’re worrying me here….

A – jai grandpa Grande, one of the people who means the most to me passed away two days ago and you haven’t even texted me. No calls, no texts nothing..

Tears where starting to flow down my face

A – and I got a text with a picture from Luke. You´re cheating on me? Really? Again?

J – Ariana please don’t do this. I’m sorry okay. Please let me make it up to you.

His voice was cracking up now too

A – I’m sorry Jai but I can’t give you yet another chance. I just can’t do this anymore. Bye jai, its over

J – Ariana please ---

I didn’t hear his full sentence, because I had already hung up. After taking a couple deep breaths I wipe my tears away and walk downstairs. I’m not going to let him ruin my life or change me anymore. It’s hard but I haft to let go.


wow I was almost sobbing myself writing this chapter

twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl


Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now