caught naked... literately and steamy shower

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Next update will be at friday or Even maybe saturday. The reasoning is because i have the two of the hardest (for me) midterm the next two days. One in "norsk" and the other in "nynorsk" that's basicley the same difference as american and britan. Anyhow that is one of my weeknesses so that needs my brain space.. Then i also have a midterm on monday in math too + one other midterm + two test that i all haft to do next week.

So with that said i hope you can all understand and be patient with me trough this :) ....

-Ariana's POV-

"Ariana Sean its lunch and you two need to eat something"

My eyes fluttered open hearing someone outside the door but closed them again, snuggling closer to Sean behind me. Laying here sounds a lot better than getting up

I heard the doorknob turning and the door opening "OMG!"

My eyes shot open panicking realizing there was no cover over us! Omg!

Frankie was standing there stiff as if he was in shook, but with his hands over his eyes "my eyes. Omg! Ariana! What! I can never get this image out of my head!"

"What's going on? Why all the shouting "Sean mumbled from behind me before I could feel him stiffen probably realizing someone was in here.

"Frankie please go so we can get dressed. I'm so sorry you walking in on us like this" grabbing the comforter who had fallen on the floor pulling it over the two of us.

"You can take away your hands now, all covered up" he removed his hands slowly and opened his eyes.

"Yeah I'm gonna go. Ewe. I cant even. Miss thing so this was all the noise we hard for hours earlier. No one dared to go up and see what was going on, but you two are loud"

He turn around for so stumbling out the door, still a bit shaken up.

Turning around I face Sean "he saw us naked" scrunching my nose slightly creped out but also traumatized

Sighing he traced my body from my face down to my waist "yeah. But don't freak yourself out about it, I know you and I know you do that. But there really isn't anything you can do to take back time. It's all okay. He is your brother he wants you to be happy." Kissing my head he pulled me closer

"But before we go downstairs, we really should take that shower. Smelling like sex isn't going to make the situation better." Lifting me up in his arms still naked he carried me into the bathroom and into the shower.

(A/N: WARNING smut! Mature readers only. Yes I'm going to put this in everywhere before more mature content so younger readers are aware what's coming)

Looking into each other's eyes I trace his abs with my fingertips as hot water pure over our heads.

My eyes couldn't help themselves traveling down to his really impressive length, all sorts of thoughts wandering my head

"Want to tell me what's going on inside of that beautiful head of yours?" lifting my chin up so I was looking into his eyes.

Taking a peek down south once more before I looked him back in the eyes blushing slightly. "Honestly I'm just mesmerized how you fitted inside of me" looking away blushing again.

"You want to know how? Cause it was made for you" he smirked.

"Oh you mush" peeking his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. Being pressed up against him I can feel him getting a hard on "eager aren't we?" batting my eyelashes

"Only for you my love"

Reaching down he lifted me up by my thighs and I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands found their way to my but squeezing it causing a moan to escape my lips.

More and more moans escaped my lips as his found there way down my neck to my sweet spot. Throwing my head back giving him more access I could feel I was heating up down there.

As he suck and nib on my neck I reach down in between us to stroke his throbbing length rolling on a condom I grabbed before we got into the shower.

His lips leave my neck going up to my lips connecting them fro a couple seconds before he looked me straight in the eye as he slide his length into me.

My eyes fluttered closed moaning out his name rather loud.

He kept on trusting with no set rhythm making me come closer to the edge with every trust. and at my request he went harder and faster.

Moans filled the bathroom as we both came together, both slightly short of breathe, panting.

Unwrapping my legs from around his torso I slide down on the shower floor, my legs too wobbly to stand on. My thighs are throbbing and soar.

Sean sat down besides me and pulled me into his lap, causing me to flinch from the sharp pain in my thighs... wow I'm soar


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl

-Xoxo Christina

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