BB, surprise guests and butterflies

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-Ariana´s POV-

I walk into the movie room where mommy is now setting food on the table at the front of the room, in between the movie chairs and the big TV.  “are you alright?” a weak forced smile appeared on the side of my lip “I’m okay, I just really aren’t ready to talk about it”

Walking over to one of the big chair in the front row and bundled up under a big blanket. “what are we going to watch mommy?”

She was currently setting up the connection between the computer and the TV “the BB life feed. Frankie is about to get out leather”

Omg I had totally forgot! Now that I think about it I think mommy mentioned it earlier but my head was elsewhere. Anyhow I’m really mixed on watching this. Just knowing Frankie, I know he is going to break down. But I really hope he manages to stay strong, I know he can do it, he is a Grande after all. No one in the house knows about Frankie´s life outside the house, about our family his following etc.. For now I think that’s the best decision.

“Frankie please go to the diary room”

Mommy had just turned the live feed on and is now sitting in the chair besides me. “How do you think he is going to react?” she hands me some vegan ice cream. “Not well. I just really hope they all can be there for him. Yes it’s a game or whatever but they are humans”


I was now sitting wrapped in mommy’s arms crying. For the last 2-3 hours we have been watching Frankie on the life feeds falling apart, but still managing to keep it together.

Then I hear it knocking on the outside door *knock knock *

Mommy urges me to stand up “go see who it is sweetie” she had this clever look on her face. Really not in the mood to try and figure out why I struggle my shoulders and walk out into the entrance room to open the door. As I open the door Alexa, Brian, scoot, jones and Sean come into view!

“Omg omg omg! You guys! What are you guys doing here” some tears flowed down my face and I pulled everyone into a group hug. In the hug both Sean and Alexa´s arms wrapped around me. But Sean’s touch felt different. There was something tingly about it, something calming and safe.

“We came to support you Ari, we know you need it and we will always be here for you”

We stood out there in the warm embrace for a moment before we walked inside. Alexa eyed me up and down for a second sensing something else then grandpa´s death was up. “Ariana where is Jai?” she looked at me with a ´matter of fact´ look obviously knowing it was about him.

“We… we broke up” right when I said it I was looking at Sean, and there was a look he got on his face when I said it, but I cant put my finger on it.

Alexa walked over to me suturing my back “what happened? Are you okay?”

I took a deep breath “I think I’m okay. He cheated on me so looking back at it, that was really all the closure I needed. You know my mom have been dropping hints ever since we got back together that it wasn’t going to end well….” I struggled my shoulders “I don’t know really. But I guess it’s for the best… if I’m going to be with someone I want commitment and maturity. He just could never give me that. So…”

“I’m sorry Ariana, it’s going to be okay.” She wrapped one of her arms around me squeezing me slightly before she; Brian and scoot walked into the movie room to great my mom. Leaving Sean and me alone in the entrance room.

For some reasons this gave me butterflies, I got this tingly feeling in my stomach and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as a little blush. He obviously noticed and walked closer to me “you´re blushing” he chuckled. For some reason being this close to him made me feel exited but also slightly insecure. “You´re cute when you blush so its alright” his thumb traced my cheek sending a tingling feeling trough my body.

 “You fell that too?” I looked up into his brown eyes when I said it. He leaned closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face “I do. And I’m happy you do too”. Feeling his breath on my face made my eyes flutter and my heart speed up.

Before something else happened we heard voices coming towards us and jumped apart, both slightly short of breath.

What the actual F*ck? What was that? And why did I like it? And more important why do I want more?


twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl


Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now