Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

"For the last freaking time Mabel, there are no such things as vampires! Their just a superstitin, a scary story parents tell kids so they don't sneak out at night!"

"Vampires are real! Everyone in this town  has stories about the evil bloodsucker!"

"No one in this shitty town has even passed high school! It's a town full of uneducated high school drop outs who would believe that the world is fucking flat if globes didn't exist! I've talked to people in this town who still think that the moon landing was faked or that the moon is just a giant ball of cheese!"

"Vampires are real! Just because it sounds unrealistic doesn't mean it's not true!"

"You only want them to be real so you can marry them and make your own Twilight love story about it! Vampires are as fake as werewolves or flying pigs!"

"At least I didn't spend 6 years chasing after some useless crush who was 3 years older than me!"

I shove her back knocking her to the ground. "Fuck you Mabel!" I storm out of there slamming the door shut as I walk into the forest surrounding our home. I clench my fists by my sides angrily, so angry steam was practically coming out of my ears. "Stupid Mable....stupid town.....stupid fucking everything!" I angrily kick a rock as I keep walking deeper into the forests. "I can't believe that I'm the only one in this stupid town with any sense of logic or reason! I mean, come on, how stupid does everyone have to be in order to believe that something as stupid as vampires exist?"

A dark chuckle makes me freeze in my steps, it sounding like it's coming from all around me as I turn looking for whoever could be out there. "Oh you really believe that vampires don't exist in this world little one?"

"Of course they don't exist, they're just a scary story told to keep children from misbehaving. Everyone else in this town is too stupid to realize that."

"For someone so smart, you sure are prideful and ignorant."

"Who are you! Fucking show yourself!"

"Here is the problem with your argument. If vampires don't exist...." I suddenly feel a gloved hand over my mouth muffling my voice, an arm holding me trapping my arms to my sides as I struggle. "Then how do you explain me?" The man whispers in my ear. I feel him lick up my neck, feeling something pointed pressed against my neck on the spot where he just licked me. "Now, this always hurts the first time so I need you to hold still for me. If you struggle, then I will drain you dry right here and now." I feel an immense pain in my neck like something was stabbing me in the neck causing me to scream in pain it muffled under his glove hand as tears from pain trail down my face.

The pain finally stops as he lets go to me and I fall onto my hands and knees holding a hand to my neck. I look back at him and see it's a tall man with tan skin and blond hair and an eyepatch over his right eye. He's wearinga white formal shirt with a yellow vest and a black overcoat. He gives me this creepy smile and I see two pointed fangs with blood dripping from them. I hurridly scoot back away from him as he walks towards me, my body trembling in fear realizing what he truly is. "No no no no no! Y-You can't exist you can't!"

"Oh but I do exist, you can see me here clear as day can't you."

I scoot back from him until my back gets pressed up against a tree leaving me trapped with nowhere to go. He kneels down in front of me with that stupid grin on his face. "W-What do you want from me?" I whimper in fear.

"Hush now little one." He leans towards me and whispers right in my ear. "You will let yourself fall into a deep deep sleep. You are very very tired, emotionally tired from your fight with your sister and physically tired. Let your body and mind sleep, I will take care of you." My hand falls away from my neck as my body starts feeling so fucking tired all of a sudden. I struggle to keep my eyes open as he holds my face in his hands making me look at him. "Sleep now little one." My eyelids become too heavy and against my will I fall asleep.

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