Chapter 6

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(Bill pov)

3 weeks. It has been 3 fucking weeks since I turned him and he still won't eat. The boy is barely functioning but instead of eating he is simply choosing to let himself starve. I have tried to be patient with him but I have had enough. He barely will even talk. I have been patient, letting him sleep in my bed and been there to ease him when he wakes up screaming and sobbing from nightmares. Everyone usually spends a few days in denial until we finally give in to the hunger and eat. But at the rate he's going his body will eat him from the inside out if he doesn't feed on someone soon. I walk down the corridor of the dungeons looking over the feeding options. Once he does feed he will drain the blood from the person so I need someone who won't be too bad of a loss of food supply but also someone who will satisfy his hunger. I stop outside a cell of a man in his early 20's sleeping in his cell, him being feasted on so often that rationing he would die in a day or two anyway but yet he's still young enough that his blood is satisfying. "Cedric." I snap my fingers and Cedric approaches me.

"Yes, my king?"

"In a few minutes bring that one to my room."

"Yes sir."

I leave heading back up to my room seeing Dipper sitting on my bed reading a book. Tilting my head slightly to read the title of the book I see he's reading 'Flesh & Bones'. Very good book I must say. "I see your awake finally." He doesn't answer as I sit next to him. I see him groan in pain dropping the book and wrap his arms around his torso squeezing his eyes shut tightly in pain. "Are you okay?"

" just hurts."

"I've told you what you need to do in order to make it go away."

"No. I won't."

"Won't what? Eat?" He whimpers his hands clenching his jacket tightly. "You need to eat. Your body will kill itself unless you do." When he doesn't say anything I growl getting off the bed and grabbing his arm pulling him off the bed and wrap my arms around him trapping him as he struggles.

"W-What are you doing?! Let me go!"

"I am done being patient with you. I did not make you one of us just to watch you slowly kill yourself. If I have to force you to feed everytime you get hungry then I will."

"And how will you fucking force me? Push my fangs into someone's neck?"

"Not quite." A knock is heard on the door. "Enter." Cedric comes in, pushing in the man I chose in the dungeons, his wrists shackled and a gag stuffed in his mouth as he's pushed onto his knees. "Leave now, Cedric." Once he leaves I see Dipper struggling more. "You know you want to sink your teeth into him and feed on his delicious blood, Pinetree."

"No no no! I won't I won't! I won't become a monster like you!"

"You already are a monster like me!" I force him to walk towards the man as I keep him trapped with one arm. Taking a pocket knife from Dipper's pocket I slide the blade across the man's cheek hearing the man whimper as blood trails down his face staining the blade red. "Doesn't that smell delicious, Pinetree?" I hold the knife under his nose forcing him to inhale the scent as he keeps struggling, trying not to look at the man. I drop the knife to the ground as I hold his chin forcing him to look at the man as I whisper in his ear. "You know how much you want to feed on him. Stop letting humanity weaken you and give in to the hunger. Instead of fighting it, let it guide you. Let it help you survive. Just imagine how much better you will feel once you feed." I see the colors in his eyes change to red as he thrashes and struggles again but instead of trying to escape he's trying to get to the man. I chuckle softly as I let go of him and watch as he pounces on the man and drains every last drop of blood from the man's body.

After the man has stopped kicking and it's evident that he's dead I gently pry Dipper off of him, blood dripping down from his mouth. His eyes turn back to their normal brown color and he slowly looks down at  the man and the blood on his hands and clothes. Tears spill down his cheeks as he screams, backing against my chest as I grip his shoulders. I wrap my arms around him holding him from behind as he sobs and screams. "You turned me into a fucking monster! I murdered him!"

"You can't think of it that way. You did what you had to in order to stay alive. When a vampire goes too long without eating, we literally will destroy our bodies from hunger. I couldn't let you do that. That man was going to die in a day or two no matter who feeded upon him." I pet his hair as he cries, hearing him softly whimpering. I sit him down on the bed as I get a hankerchief out of my desk drawer and use it to cleans the blood off his face and mouth. "I think it's time for the others to know about you being turned."


"The other vampires in the castle."


"So that they know to treat you with fairness and respect. Now come on." I pull him to his feet and walk to the hallways with an arm around his shoulders keeping him close to my side. I walk into the throne room seeing everyone else already gathered there including my two brothers. I notice Kill's glare at Dipper and hear the boy whimpering trying to hide behind me. "What's the matter?" I kindly ask him keeping him close to my side.

"Th-the one with red hair....h-he...."

"I know he tried to feed on you. He is Killian and the one next to him with blue hair is William. They're my brothers." I take him up the steps to my throne and turn to everyone else, keeping the boy at my side. "My my, how long it's been since we've had a reason to gather in this throne room like this. I know all of you are quite busy so I'll be quick. I have had complaints about me keeping one human to myself while others ration the few humans we have and I agree what I did wasn't fair but know that I did it because I had my reasons. I made a decision a few weeks ago that I know certain people will disagree with but I only ask that you trust my judgment and my choice. I have welcomed another lost soul to join us. I present to you all, Dipper." I put my hand on Dipper's back gently pushing him forward so he can't hide behind me. "Me and my brothers will teach him our ways so I expect that you will all treat him with the same respect and fairness that was shown onto you all. That is all." They all leave talking amongst themselves, Kill snarling at Dipper before he leaves.

".....he hates me...."

"Killian hates everyone. He's also going to be the first one to teach you."

"What? Why him?"

"Because he's the best hunter besides myself and I have other things to do. So come on, he's teaching you to hunt whether he likes it or not."

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