Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

Bill brings me up several flights of stairs to a red door. "Just go inside and wait in there, I'll find my brother and send him in. Just please try not to touch anything."

Bill leaves as I open the door and walk into the room. I walk over to the bed, the blankets sheets and pillows all being red and black. Glancing at the nightstand I see a picture of Bill and his brothers except they all have both their eyes and they're all human. Must have been before they got bit. I look at the far wall and see a painted tapestry covered by a sheet. I walk over to it and lift up the sheet a bit to peek under it and gasp seeing the face I never thought I would see again it bringing tears to my eyes. The same face I had seen lifeless in my nightmare after Bill turned me. "......M-Mom?"

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" I jump letting go of the sheet as Killian storms over to me shoving me away from the tapestry. "Didn't Bill tell you to not touch anything!"

"I-I mean he did.....Killian I-"

"Don't call me that!" I flinch slightly and he seems to notice this as he takes a deep breath and slowly calms himself down. "Nobody calls me Killian. The only person who did is gone so don't. It's Kill. Everyone calls me Kill and I will punch you if you ever call me Killian again."

"But Bill calls you it."

"Because he likes to do it in order to annoy me. But you aren't allowed to call me that name. Are we clear?" I nod my head a bit scared this guy would hurt me. "Good. Bill wants me to teach you hunting and that is easier so come on and lets go hunt." He walks out of the room and I follow him, jogging to keep up with his long strides as he exits the castle and I go with him. "You have fed on human blood, correct."

"Yeah, Bill made me a few minutes before he told the others about me."

"How long has it been since he turned you?"

"3 weeks."

He stops walking and I bump into him as he turns to look at me. "You went almost a fucking month not eating anything? What the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea what that will do to you?" I say nothing, only looking at the ground not wanting to go through this again since Bill already lectured me about not feeding anytime sooner. "Do not pull that shit again. You do that again and your body will kill you." He continues walking and I walk alongside him.

"So, when you say hunting, I'm guessing you don't mean animals."

"Give the kid a prize." His voice is laced with sarcasm. "We look for any humans that might be roaming these woods at night. We take a taste to see if they're any good then bring them to the castle. Me and my brothers have hypnotizing powers so it's easier for us to bring them back without damaging them too much."

"Oh I remember Bill hypnotized me to sleep after he first bit me."

"Yeah, so you pretty much get the idea. Why were you out here at night in the first place?"

"I had this stupid fight with my sister. I like to believe things that have logic and reason so I didn't believe it when literally everyone said these woods were infested with vampires."

He rolls his eyes looking annoyed. "We didn't infest the woods, we've been here for centuries before the human species even ever existed. Humans infested these lands."

"Oh....not many people go into the forests at night. Why not go into town?"

"It's too dangerous. We have survived this long because we don't take unneeded risks."

"Why do you and your brothers wear an eyepatch?"

"That's for Will to explain later."

"Oh....that tapestry...."

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