Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

I've been trapped here for a few weeks now I think. I don't have to wear the gag anymore but Bill still keeps my wrists in the shackles just in case I ever try escaping from him. I get pulled out of my thoughts as Cedric comes into my cell. "Get up boy." I struggle to my feet, feeling weak from Bill taking my blood so often. He does it up to 3 times a week and it's wearing me out. Cedric gets pissed at me taking too long to stand so he kicks me in the stomach making me groan in pain as I fall back to the ground. "I said get the fuck up!" I get up to my feet not wanting to piss him off anymore. He grabs the chain connecting my shackles and pulls me up the dungeons stairs and through the halls to what I assume to be Bill's room, since it's where he always is when he wants to feed from me.

He knocks on the door as usual. "Enter." Bill's voice says from the other side. Cedric opens the door shoving me in before shutting the door and leaving. Bill smirks as he walks over to me, holding my chin in his hand making me look at him. "Why hello again Pinetree."


He leads me to his bed sitting me on it as he runs his fingers over the bite mark on my neck as he leans closer tilting my head slightly. I whimper just as he's about to sink his teeth into my neck, shutting my eyes tightly as tears spill down my cheeks. I expect to feel the pain of him feeding on me but the pain never comes and there is only silence for several minutes. "Open your eyes and look at me." I slowly open my eyes and look at him feeling myself trembling. "Now tell me what exactly is the problem."

"P-Please no more.....I c-can't take it anymore.....i-it just hurts so much I c-can't...."

He sits next to me looking deep in thought. "I don't usually take too kindly to people telling me what I can or can't do.....but you have been very obedient these last several weeks especially since most new people end up misbehaving severly where you haven't misspoken or misbehaved since you first woke up here. I'll grant you mercy just this one time." He wipes my tears away as I flinch slightly. "Tonight you will eat and regain your strength before going back to your cell where you will rest until I feed again in a few days." He brushes some hair behind my ear as he hands me a bowl of mac n cheese. I eat it in silence as he watches me kinda creepily. "You are quite interesting....."

"H-How so?"

"You care so little about your life. You want me to not feed on you but not because it may kill you at the rate I'm going, but because I've been doing it so often that it's probably leaving your neck in great amount of pain. You struggled a bit when you first awoke here but you haven't made any sort of attempts to escape me. All the slaves here were told of what happens if they try to escape and they all have tried to escape at least once. All except you of course. I wonder why you don't try to escape."

"I guess I don't see a point. If I failed you would just put me into a trance and continue feeding on me. If I did succeed you would just hunt me down again.  There is no point in me trying to escape."

"It's exactly that type of thinking that makes you so interesting. You don't think like other humans. If anything, you think like me."

"I am nothing like you."

"That's what you think at least." He takes the empty bowl from me as he sets it on the nightstand then pulls me to my feet. "Lets get you back to your cell now." He takes me back to the dungeon locking me back up in my cell. "Get yourself some rest Pinetree." He walks away as I lay down on the ground closing my eyes welcoming sleep.

I get jolted out of my sleep feeling my head thump against the ground hard making me groan in pain. "Fucking shit...." I hear an unfamiliar voice mutter. I open my eyes and immediately realize that I'm not in the dungeon anymore but in a hallway I haven't seen before it being dusty and several things of furniture being covered by cloth. "Get your ass up right now." He grabs my jacket forcing me up to my feet.

I look up at the man, seeing him have red hair an eyepatch over his right eye and his suit is completely consisted of black and red. "W-Who are you? What do you want?"

"Just shut the hell up and let me do me." He smirks down at me and I see his fangs making me gulp fearfully. He leans down to my neck but before he can bite me I knee him hard in his balls making him yell in pain as he falls to his knees with a hand over his crotch. "You fucking bitch!"

I take off running to get away from him but I don't get far before he grabs my ankle tripping me and pulling me back to him as I frantically kick trying to get him to let go. "Get off get off! Leave me the fucking hell alone!"

He turns me onto my back putting his hand over my mouth muffling my voice. "Shut up just shut up you fucking brat!" He whispers harshly into my ear. "Who do you think will give two shits about what happens to you? You are here to die as our food and that is what I am going to do to you. I am going to drink you so dry that no one will ever be able to recognize your corpse again." He leans down close to my neck again and I don't even bother trying to struggle anymore. He's going to kill me anyway so why bother? Trying to get away at this point is futile.

Without warning he gets pulled off me and I look up seeing a very pissed off Bill standing over me. He turns to the other man and angrily yells at him. "What the fuck Killian! I told you to not lay a hand on this one, that he is fucking mine and mine only!"

"Why? What is so fucking special about that one?" The othe vampire rises to his feet. "We don't have enough for everyone to get one human, we all have to share and we are running out of blood to consume at this rate. Even with all our rationing we are running out. So how is it fair that you get one all to yourself?"

"I am your king and you will show me respect. I have reasons that I don't have to explain to you. Now get out of my sight before I banish you." He leaves without another word. Bill turns to me and grabs my hand pulling me to my feet. "Did he bite you at all?" I shake my head no as he puts his finger under my chin lifting it up so I'm forced to look up at him. "Quite interesting....he would have killed you yet you still don't value you your own life. You may answer freely but it has to be an honest answer. Do you have the desire to die?"

"I......I've had thoughts about it for a long time....."


"I.....because I mean nothing....every year everyone is there to celebrate Mabel on our birthday but no one ever invites me to celebrate my own one cares what I think or say or that I'm even around.....I'm invisible.....would be better off gone......"

He grabs my wrist and pushes up my sleeve exposing several pale scars along my wrist, several leather bracelets attempting to cover them. "You're depressed and suicidal, very deeply depressed by this marks.....this explains a few things. It explains why you don't value your life at all." He lets go of my wrist and steps closer to me leaning down to me a little. "I got a new opportunity for you."

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple, you won't have those annoying shackles anymore and you won't have to sleep in the dungeon anymore, you'll have your own room. I'll even stop feeding on you." He grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me up on my toes his face inches from mine. "But there is one tiny thing that has to be done first."


He leans down to my ear. "Sleep for me, my dear Pinetree." I feel my body go limp in his arms as sleep overtakes me.

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