Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I wake up feeling the soft grass beneath my hands and the tree branches covering the night sky above me. I sit up confused on where I was, wasn't I in Bill's castle before? And even if I escaped , I don't recognize this part of the forests. I stand up looking around not seeing or hearing anything. This was extremely odd. The forests is supposed to have some kind of creatures in it, even at night. There should be the sounds of crickets or frogs or even fireflies flying around but there's nothing. Just an unnatural silence surrounding me. It's not the good kind of silence where it's calming, this feels like the whole world is just holding its breathe waiting for something to happen. "H-Hello? Is anyone out there?" I finally speak, it feeling weird to break this deathly silence.

At first I'm only answered with more silence until screams rip through the air so violently that I have to cover my ears it sounding like the screams are literally everywhere around me. My eyes widen as I'm able to recognize one of the screams belonging to to Mable. Keeping my ears covered I run in a random direction, hoping it's the right direction. Please please just let my sister be okay. I would never be able to live with myself if something bad happened to her. I get to a clearing and my arms fall to my sides in stunned silence as I see the bodies of my parents and whole family on the ground with bite marks on their necks and no blood left in their systems. But what's worse is the thing I see still drinking from Mable's body. I take a step back but it must have heard me because it looks right at me and smirks as it stands up.

"W-Who are you?" I whimper fearfully. At first it doesn't answer and only chuckles darkly, its fangs shining in the darkness. "I said who are you?!"

"Oh foolish boy, you should know who I am." He steps into the moonlight and I gasp upon seeing him. "After all, I'm you." His eyes are black with blood red pupils. His mouth and hands are covered in blood along with blood being splattered on his clothes and a visible bite mark on his neck.

"No no no! I am not you, you are a vampire! A fucking monster! I would never hurt my family, much less kill them!"

"I'm the monster, why look down at your own hands boy." He raises his bloody hands. "I am you and you are me. We are one and the same. The blood I spill is the blood you spill with me. When I feast, so do you whether you like it or not."

I look down seeing blood on my hands and clothes just like this other me. "No no no!" I feel tears swelling in my eyes unable to believe this. He just keeps standing there laughing as I fall to my knees tears pouring out of my eyes. I put my hands over my ears to block him out as I scream at the top of my lungs

I bolt up in bed screaming, tears pouring down my face as I hiccup trying to catch my breath. I recognize this as Bill's room but at the moment I could care less. My hands cover my face as I sob and scream realizing what I've become, what he has made me. I feel arms wrap around me from behind and pull me against someone's chest. I struggle trying to get free knowing exactly who it was. "No no! Let me go! Get your hands off of me!"

He just holds me tighter and puts a hand over my eyes pulling my head back onto chest as my chest heaves with each and everyone of my heavy sobs. "Shh, hush little one, it's okay."

"How is anything okay?! You turned me into a monster! My family!"

"Your family is okay, everyone gets that nightmare when they first turn. All of us have had that nightmare on our first night of being turned. It's the way the vampire part shows the human parts of us what we are so the transition will be easier."

".....w-why.....w-why would you do this to me...." I weakly whimper as I sob. "I-I can never go h-home...."

"Because you need to understand. We are dying and the only way we'll survive is if we can get someone to understand us. First you didn't believe we were real and then you only thought of us as monsters. This was the only way to get you to see us as more. To see us as what we really are."

"Then w-what really are y-you?"

"People who are trying to survive, that is all. I promise. I know you will hate me for doing this but I promise me and my family will help you learn our ways and adjust. You'll be okay." I can't bring myself to say anything else so he just holds me like that as I helplessly sob.

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