Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I back up as he glares at me. "Kill, calm down please." Bill says from behind me.

"He has no fucking right to say her name, not after what his family did to her!"

"Kill, it won't happen again just let it go."

He grabs my shirt pulling me off my feet. "You want to know what happened to her so bad? I'll fucking show you what happened!" He puts me over his shoulder and carries me out of there down the many stairs. I pound my fists on his back and kick him as I struggle to get out of his grip. "Put me down! Please just let me go!"

"Shut up!"

"Kill, put him down!" Bill comes down the stairs coming after us.

"No. If he is so interested in my fucking life then he can see what she has been reduced to!"

"Don't do this to yourself, Kill! You're only hurting yourself!"

He doesn't answer as he takes me outside and looking around I see hundreds of graves. He takes me into a cement tomb and drops me hard to the ground, slamming the door shut and locking it keeping Bill out. He grabs the back of my hoodie pulling me to my feet and pushes me against something in the middle of the room. Getting to my feet I see it' a coffin with a glass lid. Peering inside I see the woman from the tapestry laying inside, her hands folded over her chest and her eyes closed. A small smile plays on her lips like she's thinking of a joke. I see bad burns on her neck that seem to stretch under her clothes. "This is....."

"My wife was unlike anyone else in this world." His eye turns sad as he rest his palm on the coffin. "She never once thought about herself. When I first met her she only cared that I didn't hurt her two children back home. Even when I was feeding her she cared more about making sure I was full then about if she was in pain. When I offered to turn her after realizing I loved her, she again only asked that I don't hurt her family. I had never been as happy as the day I married her."

"What about her human life?"

"I never asked, she never told me. I thought it was best left like that. All I knew is that her husband died about a year prior to me finding her." He looks at me glaring at me. "Then you took that from me." He snarls. I back up as he walks towards me until my back is pressed up against the wall. His hands clamp around my neck and he chokes me as he lifts me off my feet. I kick and struggle for air, my hands gripping his wrists weakly trying to make him let go. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't fucking kill you!"

"She....m-my m-m-mom...." I manage to choke out but his grip on my throat only tightens.

"Stop lying!" I kick my legs as I struggle for air black spots dancing in my vision as I feel my body getting weak.

The door gets slammed open and Bill grabs Kill's arms prying his fingers off and pushes Kill back as I fall to the ground coughing and gasping for air. "Are you insane?! Why do this to yourself! Why here of all places!"

"His family killed her! So why not! That family needs to fucking pay!"

"Sh-she...." My voice is raspy from Kill strangling me.

Bill kneels down to my height and grabbing my arms he helps me to my feet. "Dipper, do you know her?"

I shakily nod my head yes. " nightmare w-when you turned me....she's my m-mom...."

I see Bill's eyes widen in surprise. "He is fucking lying!" Kill shouts from where he stands.

"Kill shut up!" Bill shouts at him before turning back to me. "Are you telling the honest truth, Pinetree?"

" dad died when I was 4, vampires killed him. Then when I was 5 my mother went missing. Everyone assumed vampires killed her but no one knew for sure. After that me and my sister were sent to live with our great uncles Stan and Ford."

"Ford very well knew that she was alive before he killed her." Kill snarls as he turns back to the coffin.

"Kill-" Bill goes to put his hand on Kill's shoulder.

"Don't. Just leave me alone."

Without another word Bill puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me out of there.

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