Chapter 15

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(Dipper pov)

I stand in front of my mother's casket, flower in hand as I look at her lifeless body. She looks so young it's hard to believe it''s really her but she looks exactly like her pictures from back at Ford's place. "Hey, mom......god it sounds really weird saying that, especially since you can't even hear me since you are more dead than a vampire so that kind of makes this whole thing weirder and more creepy to anyone just watching and then me talking to myself doesn't help anything....." I look down biting my lip to stop myself before I go on a useless rant. I look at the flower in my hand. "Kill said these kind of flowers were your favorite. I don't remember if that's really true but I do remember you told dad you hated roses. Said they were cliche and overused."

I set the flower on top of the casket before resting my palm against the cold glass of it. "......when I was 12 and started doubting about how you and dad died, I made a promise that I wouldn't stop until I got the truth. I know what happened to you finally, but I am no closer at all to finding out what happened to dad. I just know that Bill's people didn't kill him. But I still have no idea who did."

I sigh running a hand through my hair tiredly. "Maybe it's possible that Ford did something since he's the one who is so insistent that vampires killed you both and I know that he already lied about your death so maybe he's lying about dad's death? But dad was his blood, his family whily you, no offense mom, just married into the family. I don't get it at all."

With another sigh I rest my forehead against the glass of the casket. "I wish you were here to give me some answers, mom. But don't worry. I'm going to get revenge on those jerks for what they did to you and all of Bill's people. I promise you that."

Hearing a cough behind me I turn and see Kill standing there. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're working on a plan and Bill wants you to have a say in it."

"Okay." With one last glance at her I walk away from the casket and follow Kill to a room with a large table in the center of it, Bill, Will, and Tad looking at a map of Gravity Falls on the table.

"By now Ford will think that I am dead so he'll be gathering all the townspeople and marching our way. We should meet them here for the final stand, to keep them away from the castle just in case things go sour for us." Bill points to a wooded area closer to town than the castle.

"Not many of our people will want to fight, especially with Ford's weapons able to kill us so easily." Will says, hand in Tad's having not left Tad's side since he was able to get around on his own.

"Our people have seen me walking around fine, so let them know that we have a way to cure wounds from his weapons but don't tell them it's Dipper's blood. I don't want them to try and hurt him if things go bad." Bill looks at me. "When do you think we should do this?"

"Um......I will need a full day for put enough of my blood in those vials for everyone."

"So the day after tomorrow we make our final stand. Kill and I will lead the the brute force here." He points to a widea area on the map. "Tad, you and Will shall lead the stealth charge in this area to surround them and catch them off guard." He points to another section that separates them from town. "Dipper, you will be here to get any stragglers that make a run from it. I know you want to be a part of this but since you don't have much training it's the safest option."

"Okay......I want Stan to be spared."

"What?!" Kill angrily snarls at me. "He nearly killed my brother!"

"But he didn't kill me. Ford and Mabel both were ready to kill me on the spot but Stan didn't. He only shot Bill because he thought Bill was hurting me. If Stan wanted us both dead, then he would have shot me too."

Bill goes silent as he looks at me. "There may be a chance that he does try to kill you this time. If that happens, would you be prepared to defend yourself, even if it means killing him?"


"Then it's settled. Stanley Pines will be spared but show no mercy for the others. Go and tell the others our plan." Everyone else leaves so it's just me and Bill. He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses the back of my head gently. "There is no guarentee that this plan will work......"

"I know, but we have to try."

"Yeah." He turns me to face him.

"What are you doing?"

"I wanted to look at your beautiful face once more, to remind me to fight for something more important than myself." With a small smile our lips meet granting us this one sweet moment of bliss before the bloodshed.

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