Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

My eyes slowly flutter open as I try to take in my surroundings. I look down at my hands seeing their in shackles and noticing my breathing sounds weird I realize that I've been gagged. I sit up and look around seeing I appear to be in a cell of some sort, it being dark and cold. I try to scream for someone to help me but the gag muffles my screams. I hear footsteps coming closer so I scoot myself back against the cold stone wall as the cell door opens and in walks a man in a butler outfit and black hair. He walks towards me and grabs my arm pulling me to my feet harshly as I struggle trying to get away from him. "Stop fucking fussing and come on." He pulls me out of the cell and up some stairs. He takes me down some long victorian era hallways finally taking me into a large bedroom, it being dark except for the moonlight streaming in through the windows and I see a man reading a book on the bed. "Sire, I brought the boy for you."

"Good work Cedric." He sets the book down and my eyes widen realizing it's the man who attacked me in the woods. He stands up walking over to me and grabs my arm tightly as the butler guy leaves. I struggle trying to get away from him whimpering in fear. "Now now no need for that. Calm down kid and I'll explain things to you." He pulls me over to his bed and forces me to sit down on it. "Now like it or not vampires do exist. This palace is full of them, everyone in that hillbilly town of yours was correct when they tried to warn you of us vampires. I will answer all of your questions but first some rules. Fist off you are not allowed to speak unless you are given special permission from me to speak. If you speak without permission then I will put you in a trance where you will have to will no thought no nothing. My final rule is that you are not to attempt to kill me or escape because if you do then I will kill you with no hesitation. Are we clear?" I weakly nod my head in understanding, feeling tears from fear stinging my eyes. "Good, not lets get this out of the way shall we." He takes the gag out of my mouth and lets it just hang around my neck. "Now, any questions?" He kneels down in front of me.

"W-What do you want from me? Who are you?" I fearfully whimper.

"Oh how terrible of me, I forgot to make introductions. I'm Bill Cipher, king of this vampire clan. And what I want from you is simple, I want your blood. You are my food after all."


"That is why you are after all. Whenever I feel hungry I will send Cedric to fetch you from the dungeon. First things first though." He stands up picking a plate from his nightstand and sets it on my lap, it having roast beef along with mashed patatoes and gravy. "Eat up. Wouldn't want you passing out from hunger on me."

Without thinking twice I hungrily dig into the food quickly finishing it. Once I finish it he takes the plate from me and hands me a glass of water which I gulp down till the glass is empty. "H-How long have I been here?"

"I brought you here three nights ago. Was a lot of trouble to keep your family from finding this castle." He takes the cup from me and sets it on the nightstand as he sits next to me. I try to scoot away but he grabs the chain connecting my shackles and pulls me back towards him. "Now hold still or this will only hurt more." He holds my chin in his hand tilting my head slightly and I feel his fangs prick my skin.

"W-Wait please no! D-Don't p-please!" I beg tears spilling down my cheeks as I weakly push against his chest.

He lets go of my chin and looks down at me with a small glare before slapping me hard across the face, me almost falling off the bed if he didn't grab my arms to keep me from falling. He grabs my face in his hand forcing me to look at him as tears from fear and pain streaming down my cheeks. "I warned you about the rules and specifically told you what would happen if you spoke without permission. Now hold the fuck still and shut up unless you want me to drain you of all your blood right now." Without further warning his sinks his fangs deep into my neck right into the bite marks from before causing me to painfully cry out in pain as I feel him drink my blood. After some time he finally pulls away and lets go of me letting me fall off the bed putting a hand to my neck whimpering in pain. I look up at him seeing blood trickling down from his mouth as he stands over me with a sinister grin. "Now that wasn't so bad was it." I weakly try to scoot away from him but he picks me up bridal style with no effort and carries me back down to the dungeon setting me on the floor of a cell once again. He kneels down untying the cloth gag from around my neck. "I trust that you won't cause any trouble so I don't think I will need to gag you again." He gets up and walks out of the cell locking the door making sure I can't escape. "I'll see you later Pinetree."

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