Chapter 4

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(Bill pov)

I hum quietly to myself as I carry the boy's body down the many flights of stairs finally entering the Turning room. I lay him on the table in the center of the room, unlocking the shackles around his wrists and tightly strap him down to the table. I light some candles settting them in a circle around the table as the door opens and both my brothers enter. "What do you two want? I'm busy."

"Kill told it true? Are you really going to turn him?" Will asks as he nervously brushes his hair out of his face.

"Yeah I am. So what?"

"Are you out of your fucking mind Bill?" Kill steps towards me as Will hangs back. "We barely can feed ourselves and instead of allowing us to feed on him your going to make him just another mouth for us to feed. What is the puropse of this?"


He grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me close to his face as he snarls at me. "Don't fucking say her name! What does he fucking have to do with her!?"

"He's part of the Pines family. His great uncle is the reason she's gone."

His eyes widen as he lets go of me. "A-And...that the same man who hurt Tad?" Will ask his voice trembling slightly.

"Yes, the same man. I knew exactly who this boy's family was the minute I first drank from him. That is why I made him mine, thought it would be a good taste of revenge for the old man. But imagine if that old man finds out that I turned his nephew into one of us?" I chuckle darkly as I walk back to the table stepping over the circle of candles. "I can just already imagine the expression on that old fool's face."

"But this won't help Tad."

"And it won't bring her back." Kill growls quietly as he clenches his fists and looks at the ground.

"I am aware that he can't revive the dead. But maybe he can help us find a way to heal Tad, find a way to heal injuries made by that bastard's weapons."

"Turning a Pines into one of's risky and not just for the humans. It's probably going to be harder for him being turned then any other human. And the others won't like this."

"Don't worry about the others. And I know it will be hard for him, that's why I'm going to be the one there to teach him how to control his hunger. But I trust you two to teach him other things about us."

"Like what?"

"Like Will can teach him that we aren't the monsters they make us out to be, that we have structure and order. You, Kill, can teach him how to properly hunt."

"Like hell I will! After what his family did to her?"

"The sooner he learns how to hunt properly the sooner we can destroy that insuferable family, dear brother. Are you going to help me or not?"

".....fine....But I don't like it one bit."

"You don't have to like it. Now leave, you know how the ritual works."

They both walk out and I take the hat off the boy's head, putting my hand to his forehead waking him up. He looks around scared and confused as he weakly struggles against the straps keeping him to the table. "W-what's going on? Where am I?"

I grab his chin making him look at me. "I told you that there would be a catch to you not being my food anymore, don't you remember?"

"Well yes but-"

"Then hush and relax. This first part might sting a little." I bite down on his thumb hearing him cry out in pain. I use the blood from his thumb to form a cross on his forhead. "Easy part done, now comes the trickier part."

"W-what are you doing to me? Please just tell me what is going to happen."

"Simple." I lean down close to his ear. "We know exactly who your family is, they have hurt many of us and hurt many people that my family loves. Imagine how the other vampires would react knowing that your great uncle is the fearful vampire hunter?" I smirk hearing him whimper in fear. "I am making you one of us so unless you want him hunting you next you will behave for me. Now shut up and hold still." I bring my head back up and bite my own thumb to make it bleed, some  of my own blood getting on my lips. I lean down towards him forcing my lips on his so he's forced to swallow down my blood. I lift my head up and see him looking up at me in surprise, his cheeks slightly red before he starts struggling and screaming in pain, steam coming from the blood cross on his forehead like it was burning him.

"Make it stop please make it stop!"

"Calm down and hold still." Using the blood from my bleeding thumb I make an X over the cross and it stops steaming but he still struggling against the bonds in discomfort. I see his canines grow into fangs before he passes out.

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