Bringing Him Back

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Shuichis pov

I paced back and forth nervously. Kokichi was in the laboratory fixing up kiibo but I was worried. Can kokichi really fix up kiibo or was he just lying again? I could tell the others were equally as worried.

Kokichi finally came out of the workshop looking exhausted "I have most of him finished guys but there one small problem"

"what's that?" maki asked

"I'm going to need Kiibos anntena. He'll just go haywire again without it" now that I think about it kiibo only started acting weird when he lost his anntena. I wish I noticed earlier.

"I guess we gotta go back to the creepy school again" himiko shivered.

"Well there's nothing we can do about that let's get going" I said firmly.

We dug threw piles of rubble until we found Kiibos anntena thankfully unharmed. We rushed back and kokichi put the anntena back on his head. Kiibo eyes shot open.

"my body is back! Thanks kokichi"

"it was nothing" kokichi said blushing slightly. I guess he's not used to compliments.

I ran up and hugged him. Finally Kiibos back and he's not going anywhere!

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