Surrogate Children

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Shuichis pov

Five years later

Me and kiibo walked to Kokichis house nervously. We had decided that we would like to have children of our own but since we obviously couldn't have kids of our own we asked kokichi to act as a surrogate mother (Kokichis trans in this universe)

We knocked on the door and kaito answered.

"Hey sidekick" he grinned "come to see your unborn child?"

"yep" I said "thanks again for letting us do this"

"Well I wouldn't let most people put a baby in my husband but your my sidekick so your the exception!" he said giving me the thumbs up.

We walked in to see a pregnant kokichi calmly playing with his two year old son konaki. He looked up at us and smiled.

"hey guys"

"hey kokichi how's the babies been?" I asked. We recently found out that we were having triplets. It freaked us out at first but now we've accepted it and are now excited about the triplets.

"oh there healthy and should be coming any day now" kokichi said with a smile. "so have to thought about names for them?"

"yes we're going to call them suko, saka and saku" kiibo said.

"awesome" kokichi let out a sigh "man I've felt bloated since this pregnancy! Carrying one kid was hard enough but carrying three kids is like a whole other-" he cut himself off with a gasp of pain.

"kokichi are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"no I think the babies coming" kokichi whimpered.

"crap! We need to get him to the hospital!" I said urgently.

They nodded and carried him down. We waited anxiously for a couple of hours until the nurse came out telling us that the babys are here.

We went in and my heart stopped. The babies were so tiny with navy hair like mine but there hair was all over the place like Kokichis.

I'm not afraid to say I cryed a little. This is it. Me and kiibo are finally parents.

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