Pokemon Champions

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Shuichis pov

We arrived at team Danganrompa Hideout.

"this is the place" kokichi muttered. "now help me bust in"

I took out my blastoise and used strength knocking the wall down. We ran in and found a underground prison. Kokichi bust down one of the cells revealing a small girl with red hair.



They ran up to each other and shared a passionate kiss. I guess this must be the girlfriend kokichi was talking about.

Kokichi turned to us with a grin "alright boys I got my girl now let go kick team Danganrompas ass!"

We eventually made it to the final room where team Danganrompas leader Tsmugi was waiting for us.

"you brats have messed with my plans for the last time!" she screamed "I will spread Dispair to the world and you won't stop me!" she sent out a gengar after us. We stood our ground and won.

"Tsmugi you are under arrest for spreading despair all over the kanto region." I placed the cuffs on her. kokichi and himiko walked her out.

Kiibo pulled me into a hug "you did it shuichi. Your now the greatest pokemon detective!"

"couldn't have done it without you kiibs" I said pulling him into a kiss.

We went home hand in hand feeling relieved that we could finally go home after such a long journey.

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