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"i forgot how much i hate flying." zhavia mumbled into sokka's side as she squeezed her eyes shut, curling her fists tightly in order to distract herself from the nauseous feeling resting in her stomach, and the nervous feeling resting in her head.

sokka frowned softly at the sight of his sick— girlfriend?— who had been trying her best not to complain throughout their hours of flying through the sky on appa.

originally, she had just assumed it was her motion sickness getting the best of her again when she first felt the need to throw up, and then after seeing how pale she was getting, katara had placed her hand on zhav's forehead and concluded that the firebender did, in fact, have a fever.

cold sweats ran down the raven-haired girl's forehead as she moved away from sokka— who had attempted to reach out and pull her back towards him, to no avail— and lean against the side of appa's saddle.

as much comfort as she felt from being near the water tribe warrior, his body heat was making zhavia feel slightly worse.

"how much longer do you think we'll be up here, aang?" katara had yelled up towards appa's head, where aang had been sitting to guide the bison.

aang turned his head around and met eyes with katara, deciding to let appa guide them for a bit as he used his airbending and gracefully landed up on top of the saddle with them. "i'm trying to find a good spot to land," the avatar revealed, "i don't think the altitude is good for zee's fever." he frowned in worry for the girl, one of his best friends.

aang then slowly created a ball of air in his hands and threw it in the air, giving the four on top of appa a nice breeze, and he smiled triumphantly when zhavia sent him a grateful smile. "hopefully we land somewhere with good food, i'm starving." sokka mumbled, crossing his arms and leaning against appa's saddle and he earned a hum of agreement from both katara and zhav.

katara handed zhavia her flask of water, "here, we need to make sure you're hydrated if you want to break this fever." katara had a motherly tone in her voice, and zhav was grateful she seemed to care as she gratefully took the flask from the water bender's hands.

zhavia had her eyes closed, her eyes scrunched up from her headache that was pounding against her skull. she wasn't aware of where they were yet, she just wanted to get off appa and fall asleep somewhere that wasn't moving.

she felt her stomach drop, which was a sign that the flying bison was descending from the air and she slowly began to open her eyes, internally dying from the sun's brightness. "hey, you taking us down for a reason?" she recognized sokka's voice and shifted her body towards him. weren't they wanting to land? she sat up, and that earned both sokka and katara's attention but aang was too lost in thought.

"aang!" sokka drew out, his voice raising slightly, "why are we going down?"

zee furrowed her brows as aang replied, "what?" he seemed confused and dazed, a lot like zhavia actually. "i didn't even notice."

sokka scoffed, looking to his left to where zhavia was leaning and sent her a smile, offering his hand out to her before he turned his attention back to aang. "well are you noticing now?"

"weren't we wanting to land?" zhavia asked, finally voicing her confusion. her voice was a bit scratchy, a mix of her sickness and sleep, as she took sokka's hand and was pleased by the comfort.

sokka then turned to her again and gestured down, "i don't think this is an ideal place to help you." he pointed out and zhav glanced out of appa's saddle. he was right, there was a swamp beneath them and the air was beginning to fill with fog.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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