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a light patter played a relaxing pattern, the rain droplets pouring down from outside the dark cave the gaang had decided to stay past the storm in.

they had been headed to omashu, after a multitude of delays, and the city was within a days reach- if only this damn storm were to lighten up.

"are you sureeeee that appa couldn't fly through the rain?" sokka pestered aang for the sixth time, a pleading and impatient tone in his voice as he bounced on the balls of his feet in hopes that the avatar's answer would change after the course of a few minutes.

aang, uncharacteristically, sent sokka a sharp glare and crossed his arms. "how about you start walking to omashu in this storm, if you're so impatient." the hungry and irritated avatar mumbled, mainly to himself even though his three friends also heard-katara and zhav sharing amused looks and suppressing their laughs at sokka's shocked expression.

sokka simply huffed, a pout dancing on his lips as he fell onto his sleeping back and curled away from everyone.

zhavia shook her head slightly at his actions, a small tut leaving her lips as her amused smile that had occupied her face moments prior dropped slightly and a yawn escaped her lips.

"oh come on, zhav, you're still tired?" katara asked, her feminine voice holding a hint of worry, seeing as zhavia seemed to consistently be tired, even after promising that she had been sleeping almost-regularly again after the events of the northern water tribe.

"i think i'm just bored," zhavia responded to katara with a shrug, stretching her legs slightly before she began heading over to where sokka was. he shifted his curled up, isolated, position to face zhavia and opened his arms out as she sat next to him.

katara subconsciously smiled after seeing the interaction between her brother and best friend, both of their moods having been on an incline since they admitted feelings for one another. she wouldn't say it out loud, but katara was genuinely curious as to their romantic status, or if they were just going to constantly cuddle and share sappy looks for the rest of their lives.

zhavia moved sokka's messy hair out of his face, it not being in its usual warrior tail, and leaned her back against the wall of the cave.

"once this storm lets up, we should be at omashu almost instantly," aang spoke up, his previously-annoyed expression shifting to one of childlike wonder, "you guys will love it there. well, sokka and katara, you've already been there. but zee, it's not like anything that i've seen from the fire nation."

nodding slightly, "i can't wait, aang." zhavia responded, an honest tone to her voice. the way the others had spoken up about their previous trip to the city, it created a sense of excitement for the young firebender, and the nervousness she held for being fire-nation in a city full of earthbenders began to lessen.

regardless of how she constantly held a fear of being excluded for her nation, she hadn't yet faced major controversy for that yet, well besides their brief journey to jet and his forest. seeing as she was travelling alongside the avatar definitely helped her position greatly.

"your hair's getting long." zhavia mused, her voice soft enough so that only sokka would able to understand. his warrior wolf-tail had been loose, and the previously bald areas on the side of his head had newly grown hair compared to when she had first met him. it was a look zhavia found even more attractive on the water nation boy that held her interest.

sokka's face slightly flushed at she ran her hand lazily through his hair, before her face also flushed slightly, being surprised from her own action, and quickly moved it away.  wow, they were awkward.

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