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a grunt of discomfort left zhavia's lips as momo pounced on her, drawing her into consciousness from her sleepy state.

zhavia narrowed her eyes tiredly as she looked to her left, seeing aang letting out shaky breaths. she also noticed both katara and sokka had been awoken too, so she wondered what was wrong, or if momo just decided to jump on all of them.

"uh, what's going on?" sokka slurred his words a bit as he held up two weapons and looked around. "did we get captured again?" he questioned, mainly glancing between katara and zhavia because they were the two taken previously.

"unless one of us is a hologram, no." zhavia answered, before a yawn left her lips afterwards.

"nothing, i just had a bad dream, go back to sleep." aang shook his head as he leaned back down against the ground. he curled up, not having a blanket over top him. zhavia told him multiple times that he could use one of the extras, but aang would deny because he wasn't raised using material things like that.

"don't have to tell me twice." sokka mumbled before laying down himself to go back to sleep. he curled up into his sleeping bag and turned the other direction.

zhavia had her fair share of nightmares in the past, especially since leaving her father's side, so she knew that aang was more upset than he was letting on-especially because of the tone of his voice. however, she didn't want to push him because he seemed as if he didn't want to talk about it.

"are you alright, aang?" katara then asked, worry present in her voice as she looked towards the avatar who was curled up to her right.

"i'm okay." aang's voice was defeated, and zhavia felt bad for him. she knew he probably held a lot of stress that came with his duties as the avatar, and could only assume what kind of nightmares plagued his thoughts.

"you've been having a lot of nightmares lately. you want to tell me about it?" katara asked, not wanting to let the situation go.

"i think i just need some rest." aang replied, putting the situation to rest.

"give him some time, kat, he'll talk about it when he wants to." zhavia told katara softly, before laying down again and closing her eyes a bit. katara nodded towards her in response, knowing zhavia was probably right.

sokka, who had just been asleep before, flew up, "do you guys want to hear about my dream?" he asked with a hopeful tint to it. when he got no responses, he laid down, "it's okay, i didn't want to talk about it anyways."

"you can tell me about it in the morning, if you want." zhavia suggested, turning over a bit to look at sokka who sent her a tired grin.

"okay." sokka smiled before closing his eyes, and falling to sleep.

"-and then, i used my boomerang to try and fight off the food as they began to take the villagers captive. i don't remember if i won or not, i woke up because of momo." sokka had just finished explaining his dream to zhavia as they packed up the camp.

"why would food try to fight back?" zhavia asked. "well actually, if someone tried to eat me, i'd fight back too." she then added with a thoughtful expression.

"don't ask me, ask the dream gods." sokka shrugged as he tossed the sleeping bag up towards her as she sat on appa's back. she caught it, and then secured it with the others.

"it should be some smooth flying." aang grinned as he looked towards the sky- no clouds in sight.

"we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, because we're out of food." katara brought up, climbing in appa with the others.

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