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sooo i put a picture of zhavia's more casual fire nation attire that she wear for traveling and whatnot— so for anyone interested, it's at the bottom of this chapter!!

the group of four soared through the sky, sokka leading appa through a field of randomly set rocks as aang paced back and forth.

zhavia had dozed off for a few hours as they flew, her sleep schedule was completely messed up and it led to her randomly taking naps as the group rode on appa— and having trouble sleeping at night when the others were knocked out.

zhavia drowsily blinked away sleep as she sat up, noticing aang still pacing around appa as he was doing when she first fell asleep.

"you're up!" katara sent zhavia a small smile, glad the other girl in their group was no longer asleep and that she wouldn't have to deal with the boys alone anymore.

zhav returned her smile, but it was slightly less vibrant than katara's she to the fact she was still partially asleep. she was about to respond when sang let out a sigh, and then another one.

"would you sit down?" sokka finally snapped from his position flying appa, "if we hit a bump, you'll go flying off."

"what's wrong, aang?" zhavia asked, sitting up and leaning against the side of appa's saddle in confusion. aang still hadn't explained what he learned from roku in the temple, so nobody else was aware of why the avatar was stressing out so much.

"it's what avatar roku said!" aang's words peaked the interest of the other three as he finally began explaining, "i have a year to master all four elements before that comet arrives."

zhavia let out a small gasp, "sozin's comet?" she asked, hoping that wasn't the one he was talking about.

"yeah, you've heard of it?" aang furrowed his brows a bit.

"you forget that i was raised in the fire nation," zhav laughed softly, "i didn't realize it was coming this year, though."

"well let's see, you pretty much mastered airbending, and that only took you 112 years." sokka shrugged from his position. zhavia and katara both sent him a light glare for being insensitive. but sokka didn't seem to notice, as he continued, "i'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer."

aang widened his eyes, waving his arms around in stress, "i haven't even started on water or firebending! and we're still weeks away from the north pole. what am i going to do?" aang began his pacing again, before katara grabbed his arm and told him to calm down.

"calm down, aang. it'll work out." zhavia reassured, having faith in the airbended.

"if you want, i can try to teach you some of the stuff i know." katara offered, pulling aang down and across from her.

"you'd do that?" aang asked hopefully, and katara turned to look outside of the saddle and towards the ground.

"we'll need to find a good source of water first." katara shrugged, but agreed to teaching him.

"maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." sokka teased, and zhavia let a light laugh out from his sarcasm.

"hey zee, do you think we should start working on firebending?" aang looked towards her in question, and zhavia bit her lip before locking eyes with him.

"i've been meaning to talk to you about that, aang." zhav mumbled, shifting slightly, "i don't think we should practice with your firebending until you've mastered waterbending. mastering two elements at the same time won't work, especially because they're natural opposites."

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