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let's just say, zhavia would rather be anywhere else
than heading to her father's war ship. guards escorted her towards the dock, and a permanent glare was sealed on her face due to her distaste of having others 'protect' her. she would rather walk freely throughout the fire nation, but her father believed that she should never take chances.

so now, zhavia was being escorted to zhao's ship. her father had recently gotten a promotion, and his title was now commander zhao. zhavia was proud of her father, but also knew that with this upgrade- he wouldn't be home nearly as often.

"zhavia, darling," zhao sent a small smile towards his daughter, "i'm so glad that you came, earlier than expected too!" zhao strode down the aisle that connected his boat to the fire nation docks. zhao knew zhavia hated the water. she would get seasick and hated the idea of floating in the middle of the ocean.

"hello, father." zhavia bowed respectfully, and zhao nodded his head.

"no need for formalities, zhavia," zhao placed his hand on her shoulder, "would you mind walking with me on board for a few minutes? i need to discuss something with you."

zhavia narrowed her eyes slightly, not wanting to go on the boat, but she knew she didn't really have a choice. "of course." her voice was slightly strained, but she let out a small smile as he led her on board. the two walked below deck into zhao's formal office, and zhavia took a seat behind his desk.

"as you know, i've recently been promoted to commander. which also means i'll be out of sea and not back home." zhao began, crossing his arms.

"i've realized, zaia explained all of this to me." zhavia replied. zaia was zhavia's firebending coach, and ex-wife to retired general iroh. zaia was also zhavia's personal handmaiden.

"good good, that means she's doing her job well then. anyways, i would like to offer you a spot on board with me and my crew. i'm aware you have a distaste for being in the ocean, however it's really time you outgrew your fear if you want to ever make a great general or commander." zhao told her, his eyes how stern- telling her that she should agree with him without an argument.

"how long will we be on the water?" zhavia arched a brow, leaning back in her chair whilst still keeping her posture straight.

"a few days to get to my new station. then you can have your own tent and continue to train with zaia." zhao explained to her.

zhavia nodded, silently glad that she wouldn't be on board for over a week, "i'd be glad to join you, father." she replied, and zhao let a contempt hum.

"i've already had zaia gather your belongings, so we'll leave tonight." zhao didn't leave time for zhavia to reply, seeing as he stood up and started walking out of the office.

after he left, zhavia let out a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. she felt nauseous, and was suppressing anger towards her father for not giving her a choice. she knew him, if she would have disagreed- she would have a scar to rival banished prince zuko's.

"you knew!" zhavia's eyes were red as she finally met with zaia, who sent her a soft smile.

"i'm really sorry, miss zhavia, but your father gave me strict orders." zaia told her, her voice full of regret as zaia then closed the doors to zhavia's room below deck.

"i'm sorry for lashing out, i just- my father knows how much i hate being on a ship. much less one that's filled with fire nation soldiers." zhavia rolled her eyes as she took a seat on her bed.

"your father doesn't think it's safe for you to remain in the fire nation unprotected. he has made a lot of enemies while being away at sea, and both him and firelord ozai believe it to be best that you continue your training outside of the immediate fire nation." zaia told the younger girl.

"i've already excelled at firebending basics. the amount of times that princess azula and i have sparred together and it ending in a tie should prove as much. i don't see why i need to train outside." zhavia sighed, settling her gaze towards the floor.

"you are a prodigy, zhavia," zaia smiled, taking a seat next to zhavia on her bed. the two girls had bonded a long time ago, and formalities were mainly used briefly and in public. zhavia never corrected zaia if she forgot to call zhavia 'miss' or ask permission for anything. if anything, zaia was more of a parent to zhavia than zhao was.

zhao had tried to rid zhavia of zaia a long time ago, not liking the advice that zhavia received from who he believed to be a 'peasant' however at that time, zhavia was fully against it and told him no. in anger, zhao challenged his daughter to an agni kai, not realizing how true of a firebending prodigy zhavia truly was. and zhavia obliterated him, and he finally agreed to allow zaia to remain zhavia's handmaiden under humiliation.

"i'd like to be alone for a little while, zaia. at least until we take off." zhavia told zaia, looking up to meet her eyes.

"of course," zaia nodded, "your father wants you up for training by sundown, he wants to see to progress."

"thank you." zhavia told zaia, before deciding to meditate for a few hours until she had to be up with her father.

hihi! so i'm excited for this sokka fanfiction sooooo much like you guys don't have any idea.

please don't be a silent reader because i l i v e for commentary, and it helps me make a better story!!

don't worry, sokka will come in soon haha, but i wanted to introduce zhavia and all her relationships prior.

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